Saturday, July 26, 2003

Agh, damn you Al! Callin me at noon when I've been out clubbin the night before, what's wrong with you! :P Sleeeeeepyyyyyy! But I forgive you, G woulda woken me up anyway to take her ass back home to go to work.
*Shudder* Showerrrrr! Ugh, not only did I have some pure club hair, nappied up and smoky, I got beer sprayed on me last night. These fuckin loaded losers were messin around in their lil group there and who knows what they were doin with their bottles but we got their shit spilled on us. I got hit in the damn face, in my hair, on my arms. ALWAYS!! Beer in my friggin hair!! I was like, what the hell? Holy fuck! I looked over and they apparently didn't realize they got a buncha ppl wet but thought it was the funniest thing in the world that they were fightin eachother over a beer bottle or whatever. I was gonna go over and yell wtf and hopefully get to name-call but I let it go only cuz I figured they were somewhat drunk and didn't know what they did/mean to do it. I was still super pissed tho. Our luck tho, we were still near them on the floor and they were still actin obnoxious. They were gettin dangerous close with their damn bottles again while they were dancin and me and L were like, if one drop of that shit gets on us again, it's ON. I was just watchin where those bottles were swingin cuz if I got spilled on again, I was gonna bust some ass. We went to clean up in the bathroom and L's like, watch out for those assholes, they're probably gonna get us again and I'm like, I WANT them to! Gives me a reason to step to them. Just try it again and I'll pop them one in the face. And I went on to say to that it was kinda a dream of mine to start a brawl with ass monkeys who were pissin me off LOL. Technically, I wouldn't get the blame cuz I'd never throw a punch or slap or shove somebody first unless provoked. Grrrr...fuckin bitchasses.
A kinda upside tho is that some guy tried to hook up with me. He was decent lookin so this one was amusing LOL We were up on the lil stage in the middle and (again, I figured he was well on his way to Buzzland) he had some weird fixation with gettin all of us on there at the same time. So he was grindin on me for a while and asked if I wanted a drink. Score, gotta love it LOL Went to the bar and he got me a shot, I think he said it was a liquid cocaine. Burn baby burn. Later I found out he was 20! LOL Awwww! And it was his bday. I probably shoulda been buyin him a drink :P Talked about where we were from, where we went to school, etc etc. I asked him if it was cool if I danced with my friends for a bit cuz I figured they were feelin neglected, but I really just wanted to take a break for a while :P My quads were killin me! LOL And I was worryin that he'd push me off the platform cuz we were always so close to the edge. I'm like, dude back up a bit :P Me and the girls danced a bit more but then they wanted to jet and I had to leave without sayin bye to my boy there cuz I insinuated that I'd be back and find him so I was like, oh but he'd be so crushed LOL Sorry man! feet are pretty much BROKEN. I'm crippled. Those boots were NOT made for dancin! Never again! My quads hurt like hell and I could not walk. K so G was sleepin over at my house but complicated story short, we had to drop off her car at her place and walk over to mine. Yes, us 2 girls were walkin alone at 3:30 in the morning in the streets LOL The whole situation was just so ridiculous and G couldn't believe what we were doin. I was just like, oh please you love it and you are so lucky to know someone like me...who else brings you these kinda experiences? LOL My feet was hurtin so bad I had to take off my boots. Not only was it 2 chicks walkin alone late at night in their club gear but 1 was in her socks with her shoes in her hand LOL My camera was on me so we just HAD to take a pic :P


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