Monday, July 14, 2003

Aw man, I am gettin some serious cramps. Argh! Yes my Aunt Flo is visitin. I know no one wants to hear about that kinda thing but there ya have it. Share in the pain with me, won't you? I LOVE bein a girl!
I can't believe I saw Pirates. At least Al got her jollies and that'll shut her up about it for a while :P But L laughin out loud when it was all quiet almost made it worth it LOL The damn thing was long enough, like 2 and half hrs! We got out at almost 1 am, and then we had to drive around lookin for a 24 hr Shopper's or some supermarket for Al to get some cold meds for her throat. Had to settle for a Mac's convenience and the guy behind the counter probably thought we were about to rob him, esp with the creepy way L was walkin around the whole store :P
Have I mentioned how much I hate this school garbage? The new yr doesn't start til Sept but apparently I coulda started to enrol since June. Doesn't matter anyway since I don't even know what shit I can/am supposed to take. And of course, I can never get a straight answer from anybody at school when I call, nor can I get an advisin appointment even tho I was guaranteed 1 before May, the website's not cooperatin so I can't find out about the courses and prereqs I need, AND the damn school went and changed the program requirements my printer isn't workin again so I can't print it out right now so I can pick and organize my schedule. So I'll hafta haul my ass into the student office and talk to them ppl. It'll take everythin in me to keep myself from tellin them how much I hate this fuckin school.
Oh yeah, my essay's due tomorrow. I'll finish it later...or tomorrow. OK rant done. I want some more chocolate.


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