Sunday, July 06, 2003

I did nuthin but lie around the house today cuz I just feel like crap. Sat, OMG, Sat...Kim's party was fun stuff. But that girl I tell ya, kept pushin drinks on me. Good times tho, gettin to see her and Cat and Fish again...and all her other peeps. I can't believe these kids, man. Drinkin and smokin and droppin e when the rents are away LOL I'm really stupid, not eatin anythin before but AFTER havin all that booze, even tho it WAS a BBQ. And I didn't even remember to bring my Gravol with me. So you can guess what happened. If I smell coconut ever again, I'll heave. I'm assumin it was cuz I had a bit of alcohol, plus I didn't eat and I didn't pop my pills...and probably cuz I mixed my liquors. So 2 strong amaretto & Sprites, 2 coconut rum & pineapple juices, and a Barcardi Silver later (I dunno about these drinks, Kim made them and gave them to me), I though I was doin alright. I wasn't fallin down drunk or anythin but I swear to god I could not feel my lips. And I was goin cross-eyed LOL I'm like, Fish, what colour is my face? She's like, yeah you're gettin red. Figured. Kim spilled my drink that was on the ground on my foot. I'm like aw dammit...I dunno whether I was upset about the drink goin to waste or gettin my foot wet LOL She's like, come on I'll spray you off, and got the hose. Got my jeans wet too. Good thing I was wearin flip flops. Why is it that I always get a drink spilled on me at every party I go to??
G called me and I had no idea what she was sayin. I'm all, what? I can't hear you! She's like, it's your phone! I'm like, what're you talkin about, I'm outside. "Anyway, do you wanna go to the Street Fest tomorrow?" "What? Where? What? LOL I'm kinda drunk right now." She's like, geez! I'll call you tomorrow! :P
So we're all in the livin room watchin TV and I'm startin to fall asleep on the couch, sittin up. I was kinda passed out but I could kinda still hear voices and the ppl outside were comin in and askin them if I was sleepin. I think I felt somebody flickin my knee or somethin. I woke up later and everybody's lookin at me. I think I was hit the hardest outta everybody, except Dave or whatever his name is who was downin 40's of Corona like water. Yeah so I puked 3 times at Kim's house. The last time, I came out and was like, I'm really tired of pukin :P I can't find my bracelet. I think I left it at Kim's...for some reason while I was in the bathroom, I felt the need to take off all my rings and watch and stuff on the floor.
OMG 9 months without pukin and there I was. I'd gone 9 months. Damn. That was pure hell...I almost forgot what it was like, and I was rudely reminded. I was feelin sleepy again and I wanted to lay out on the couch but all the seats were taken up so I went to the other room and slept on that couch. Apparently nobody noticed this. Fish realized she hadn't seen me for a while and asked Cat to go check on me in the bathroom. She's like, she's not in there. Then they all got in a spazz about where I was cuz they couldn't find me. I could hear them talkin but I was too tired to even make a noise. They were all like, "Well if she's not in the bathroom, where is she?" "Maybe she's in the basement." "Why would she be downstairs with my brother and his friends?" "Then where would she be? She didn't walk home, did she??" They started freakin out that I might've gone outside and be runnin up the streets by myself in the middle of the night LOL Guess they didn't figure to look in the other room cuz I was in the dark and all. Fish finally walked in there and was like, look where she is. And there's me nappin peacefully :) Ppl were startin to jet later so she came and woke me to go home. But then she didn't trust me to walk even tho she lived the next street over and I'm like a block away. She takes a look at me and is like, alright can somebody drive her home? So a couple ppl walked and the rest of us were in the car and since Kim was fallin asleep too, Cat stayed over esp since the guys downstairs were still goin at it. "Somebody's gotta watch those monkeys!" LOL
Holy shit, when I got home, I puked 7 or 8 more times (don't remember)....for a grand total of 10 for the night. Yes I counted, cuz I remember my record for 9 when I had the stomach flu. WELL! I broke that one! Thought I was gonna die. I popped 2 and a half Gravols and nuthin. All it usually takes it 1. I can now honestly say I've never puked that much in my life. I woke up like every 2 hrs to throw up so I didn't get decent sleep all night. I remember seein the sun bein up. After like the 5th time, I'm like great, here we go again...gettin that killer nauseous feelin, roll outta bed, head to the bathroom. Then I slept downstairs on the couch just to be closer to the bathroom that no one would be usin. I think I literally puked all my guts out cuz that's sure what it felt like. The last trip I'm like, that's fuckin it! This is the absolute last time dammit! No more pukin! (Talkin to myself there) And that was the last time, thank goodness. My poor liver...musta been seriously poisoned to hurl all that bile. I know I know, ewww! LOL So even tho I know I can take Gravols, I'm cuttin down that shit FOR REAL this time, I swear!! I'm not goin thru that shit ever's back to the no booze vow except I can have just a little :P


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