Sunday, June 29, 2003

I scored $300 this weekend, BOOYAH!! Awww yeah, the moneys. I was like, I really hope this isn't supposed to last me the summer cuz no way in hell that'll happen. Then I was like, wait, I should be gettin me a JOB this month or somethin so I figure I can blow it before Aug anyway :P I gotta a-shoppin!
I think my luck's actually kinda turnin around cuz I just got this cash flow when I needed some dough. G was askin me before I got it if I had $10 to chip in for Tues' BBQ and I'm like uhhhh, I dunno man, we'll see...if I don't, I'll bring my share with a bitchload of food from my house :P Turns out I had practically everythin we needed anyway. So I damn sure had 10 bucks on me, heehee!
Yeah, we went shoppin for stuff for the BBQ on Fri. I think we have enough meat to feed a diner fulla truckers. G said there'd be fruit and whatever too but I kinda felt like we needed a balance so I'm like, how bout some pasta salad or somethin, cuz if I eat all those burgers and dogs for lunch AND dinner, plus the booze I mos def will be havin, I'm gonna bust. We hit TWO supermarkets for all the food and the LCBO :) Went to the Food Basics that opened close by and apparently they have this new pharmacy section. Sarah saw the sign and was like, Drug Basics?? LOL Nice name. Just your favs, like your everyday crack needs. Oooh and they had cotton candy for some reason. Jackpot, baby! I threw like 4 bags of that in the cart :) And yes, I gave myself a sugar headache that night. L was weirdly makin a big ass deal about takin a piece of her Kit Kat and I wouldn't take it cuz I was jokin that I was on a diet and she's like, you're eatin all that fuckin cotton candy! Do you know how much fat's in that? I'm like, dumbass, there is no fat in cotton candy. "Yes there is, all that sugar." And she kept arguin with me. I'm like, no there isn't! Know how I know? Cuz the BAG says so! And I showed it to her. "What does that say? Yeah! Dat's right, fool!" It also showed you a nutrition chart. 99.9% sugar...lotsa calories...and no protein...but no fat either ;)
Damn, I'm gonna be so fed on Tues...and probably so smashed LOL Canada Day memories, good times!
Onto other ramblin, unrelated things...G's doin alright. She's not traumatized or anythin. Just a bit shaken up still. She's goin thru her self-blame phase. She's grounded herself. I understand how she'd be not so amped to drive again but if you know her, you'd know that she'd probably vow never to go out anywhere ever again. So that translates into not goin downtown anymore, geez. Tho that'd never work cuz hello, she hasta get to work...and she's got sisters to chauffeur around :P She gets these messed up ideas sometimes. I'm not goin there about the Alan thing, good lord.
This weekend's turnin out pretty decent. I wasn't sure if I should go out and party up (esp since I have the cheese to do it now :D) cuz I'd knock myself out and we still had Tues and everythin, but at least it's not ass boring. It's nice to have things low-key sometimes :P What an 'adult' thing to say. We rented movies from the new Rogers store (where G's old loser crush Derek works!). Saw Punch-Drunk Love and Slackers. PDL, I dunno wtf that was about except the dude has some friggin issues. Slackers we only got cuz it was 2-for-1 and Devon Sawa's in it and I love him LOL L was askin me what that movie was called, with Nic Cage and that chick who's a waitress and he wins the lottery and promised to split it with her, and neither of us could remember. I'm like, thanks a lot, now it's gonna bug the hell outta ME. Even stumped the video store guys. "So you know a lot about movies right?" "Yah, I work in a video store." "Well you never know, could just be 1 of those ppl with the job and not know shit." Yeah, so he didn't know :P And the other guy knew exactly what we were talkin about but nobody could come up with the title. Hrs later at L's house it suddenly came to me and I yelled, "It had to be You or some shit like that!" outta nowhere LOL Close enough.
Check me tho, I'm gettin all literary...readin for FUN now! Al had Catcher in the Rye at her house and I borrowed it cuz I figured it bein all famous and popular and I've never read it. And I really needed somethin to do on the bus since I don't have my music and I don't have the class readings yet. Go me.


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