Thursday, June 19, 2003

Booyah, this chick's done class! Well for this semester of summer school anyway :P I'm off...for a whole 5 more days, til I start my new course on Tues :P S'alright, that boring ass class is over and all that damn reading too. Spent the weekend studyin for that exam, but this weekend I'm FA-REEE! Getcha party on ;)
Started my early long weekend by goin to Milestone's last night. Al introduced us to the Bellini...but even better, a Bellini in a fishbowl. Oh yes, a fishbowl. It's some alcoholic slushie biz in a lil fishbowl with longass straws. Very bizzare. But it was good. I think L got drunk off of her 1/4th of it, the ass couldn't even talk proper...and G was gettin red in the face LOL I called Meen to see what she was up to. She wanted me to come over and play Nintendo cuz she was bored LOL but when we actually needed somethin to do while we were waitin for G to get off work, she was goin out to do stuff. Dammit, I wanted to play some old school Street Fighter on SNES :P
Had an eye appointment today. What is up with 1 eye bein worse than the other?? Oh well, at least my prescription didn't change much. Just gotta get me some more contacts. Me and L were talkin to Al about coloured ones cuz apparently she's had some green ones this whole time but we never noticed, so we're gonna try some out. Dude I wonder how I'd look with blue ones?? :O
Hey they're puttin out more MMVA wristbands today...maybe I'll try to get 1, cuz I wanna go. The show's actually pretty decent this yr. Or we'll catch 1 of those free movies at the new Rainbow theatre downtown...but L has summer school tonight :P Or I might go shoppin for a new top for tomorrow wait, we hafta find out how we're actually gonna work it with the car issues and all. Somebody PLEASE pick us up downtown at 4 am and drive us to G's house? LOL


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