Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Some good stuff to say, that's a first! Well aside from the countdown to crunch time for my monster essay due Tues which I haven't even nearly started, things are lookin alright. I know no one wants to hear about the next ones but here ya have it...that cig burn I got on my finger a couple weeks ago finally started to fade. There's no brown spot anymore, which is good cuz I thought I'd have a scar there for good. And the blisters I got on my baby toes on Sat are goin away too. Those KILLED, lemme tell ya. Before we went out, we hit the mall to get Vick's presents (can you say last min?). They were goin at like 1 (what's this gettin me outta bed before noon bs?) I was like, how many ppl does it take to buy them, do you really need me to go? But of course they ended up draggin me anyway and I was feelin all bummy so I wore these baggyass skater pants and a T and just slipped on old runners with no socks on :P I was almost gonna go in flip flops. I dunno if it was cuz I wasn't wearin socks or cuz my old Nikes just didn't fit no more but I was HURTIN after a couple hrs. So we're walkin around the whole friggin mall lookin for somethin else to buy Vick and my toes are in wicked pain. Of course while we're there, L and G were lookin to get their makeup done like 5 hrs before we actually go out that night, so that was more waitin around. Yeah so I go home and I got some huge blisters on both baby toes. Ouchies. Then I went out and wore bitch boots LOL
My dreams! I'm not havin those freaky-deaky weirdass dreams anymore, yay! Do you know how peaceful it is to actually not go thru those at night and deal with them in the morning (afternoon, whatever)? But I did have this 1 technically bad dream cuz it was so mean! I dreamt I found $90 and I was so hyped. I was like, yeaaah! This solves a buncha probs! Money, woooo! Then of course I wake up and realize it didn't really happen and I was aw dammit, what a tease! It was so real! I was talkin to G about it the other day and she was sayin how she dreamt that her mom offered to pay all her tuition and she was all, wooo! too and then woke up :P But THEN, freaky thing is with this kinda ESP thing of mine...the next day, outta nowhere I get a tax cheque in the mail. I thought I was seein things cuz I haven't gotten those in a very long time. I thought I was supposed to get 1 regularily but then I stopped gettin them for some reason and I guess I never asked the rents about it *shrug* Figured it was cuz I don't work and all. I was like, wait, that IS my name on it, what the? I looked at it and it said $106.50...I'm like double checkin if it really is a cheque. That DOES say my name right? and it DOES say it's a hundred somethin bucks TO me right? Haha, score!!! I haven't done shit but yo I'll take it! Got me some moneys! Ah, it couldn't have come at a better time :)
A bit more kinda good news...I just now realized how to see your grades online instead waitin for the slowass school to mail them to you. But I figured I wasn't in no rush to see them cuz it's not like I worked my ass off this yr and I wasn't expectin very high marks :P But I was wonderin if I at least still made the honours program by keepin up my average. So I went to check them today and I see B's and C's...not too bad. The shittiest, most hated classes I got C's in so that was a good thing. And I was hopin just a little that I'd somehow get an A in my realism class cuz I kicked ass in most of my assignments. The thing was, my essay that I thought I did pretty good with, I got the not as good mark, my exam I thought I bombed, I did alright. But all in all, I ended up with a B+, which is just under an A. I won't get into how messed up my school's gradin system is, havin no minuses and everythin. So I'm kinda smilin on the inside today :) I was thinkin not to look at my grades in case I totally flopped and it'd go and ruin my day. But now I think I should go to school...and photocopy all that fuckin reading material to start my essay, argh.


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