Monday, May 26, 2003

Angie is a FREAK. So we didn't do the dinner thing yesterday cuz she busts out with not wantin to go out anymore cuz of the SARS thing again. Can you say super paranoid? I know there's such thing as bein cautious but shit, that's just bein crazy irrational. I'm SO sicka hearin about this crap. And now there's mad cow West Nile...what IS this?? Since the news said there was like 20 new cases or whatever, she's like yeah I don't wanna be in a restaurant fulla ppl so I don't think we're gonna get together. She was thinkin about us comin over or meetin at somebody's place, which wouldn't really make any sense had any of us had SARS or somethin cuz we'd spread it :P But apparently just bein out in public means you WILL get it and DIE, geezus. But Angie will go overseas to ASIA where the whole damn thing started!! For such a smart girl, I tell ya...well at least we should be seein her before she goes...face masks and all LOL
I just IM'ed with Meen and she said she's in Montreal?? Wow, I really need to keep up with everybody and what they're up to these days. Her car broke down or somethin but it's OK. Good thing I didn't end up callin her yesterday...roamin charges to hell! :P
I think the only thing that's savin me is Vick's bday this week. Wildin out Sat, yahhhhh! I need more laughs. Yesterday was jokes tho. Me, G, and L were doin drive-thru at the new McD's near us, even tho they suck there cuz I guess they just opened and everybody's new. L was tellin me how she got some fucked up half a hamburger, half a Big Mac with ketchup and 2 bottoms buns all together LOL She was like wtf is this?? I told her that's why you check your order before you leave...who knows what the hell you're gettin. Remember? A Value Meal=2 Filet o' Fishes, the wrong drink, and no straw LMAO So this time, G orders 2 sundaes. We get the food and she's like, hey where's my change? I'm like, LOL do you get change? How much did you give him? She's like, uh like $2.25, I don't really care, it's like 10 cents...but I want my peanuts LOL I'm like, no way, we're gettin your DIME LOL So we're sittin there at the window waitin and the guy comes back and opens the window and asks did we want somethin else? She's like, um yeah can I get some peanuts? (Insert your immature nuts joke here LOL) I didn't mean for him to hear but I guess I kinda yelled cuz I was playin around, "And how bout my CHANGE, muthafucka!" LOL and he just opened the window again. But G did add could I get my change too. The dude's all like, did I owe you change? I was like OMG it's Wendy's all over again...fuck, ppl, check how much money customers goddamn give you! She wasn't about to fight the guy for pennies but he gave it to her anyway. I'll cut him some slack and say that it was late and he was new and they were busy :P


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