Friday, May 16, 2003

Saw a Jays game on Wed. Fun stuff. Sad to say that was my 1st ball game I ever been to. They won :) And I only paid 2 measly bucks (plus tax and bullshit service charges of course). I told L about them havin a promo cheap game night so we got tix on the net. I'm like k 3 tix comes up to $10.50 total...L, are you SURE you can do it? There's room on your credit card? LOL
And what up with just dirtyass BEER to drink at games? Girls watch baseball too ya know!! LOL Playin, I know chicks drink beer too but this 1 doesn't, so there :P And a bottle of beer for almost $7?? Fuck that.
Weekends...ahhhh yes. I think I'm goin down to London. Gotta see what I can do.


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