Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Started summer school yesterday, ick. Hearin a lecture about French New Wave film is always very exciting...which is why it's so weird that I fell asleep durin the movie Zzzzzzzz (sarcasm here) :P Thank god it's only twice a week cuz I don't think I could take it. But this class is gonna be a bitch...12 page paper due in a month worth 50%! At least I know a couple ppl in that class tho. Tony's thinkin of droppin it on the 1st day! I'm like, you're such a quitter, you can't leave me alone in that class I swear...and you're SO losin points with me if you drop it (cuz of course he brought up stuff again). So he's like, so I'm basically a whore. LOL I'm like, hey I didn't say that, you call it what you want, I'm just sayin that's what'll happen if you drop this class...or what WON'T happen ;) haha! I keep seein all the same ppl in diff combinations of my classes, so weird. But I guess that's inevitable if we're all in the fine arts programs and film.
I think I was in a comtemplative mood but whatever I was gonna say shockingly slipped my mind. *sigh* Life. Not gonna say it sucks cuz it doesn't at the moment but I dunno, it's just 1 of those times when you just don't know what to make of it. I'm workin my way into the crazy talk pretty soon! Shuttin up now!


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