Monday, April 21, 2003

Damn this is gettin freaky. I'm never sure what day it is, they're blurrin together even worse. OK this is me thinkin really really hard right now tryin to recap what I did this weekend. *10 min space while I remember* Alright, here we go...
Fri I wasn't really into watchin The Pianist with L and the resta the kids so they went without me. We saw Bend it like Beckham after. Good movie...the bangra! LOL But holy crap, they wanted to watch Harry friggin Potter 2 after that even tho they've seen it already and read all those dumb books. So I'm chillin on the couch with no idea what's goin on so I just listened to Good Charlotte on G's Discman to drown out all that Harry Potter mess. Everybody knows I'm not all that into the hard rock/punk/whatever but it's actually pretty good. Well track #10 on repeat LOL I only listened to Say Anything. I heard it in HMV and I'm like hey sounds like them, nice song. Anyway, me and L went to Timmy's after and went to drop off Meen's concert money we owed her. I call her cell and she wasn't home yet and I'm like OK well we're out right now too, we can roll by after coffee. She's like, well you can just come by my the storm door, you'll see an orange shoe, it's on the floor, put the money in the shoe, go in the side door to the garage and put the shoe in the garage LOL I'm like what? I'm not gonna put 120 somethin dollars in a SHOE on your porch LOL How bout I call when we're done and you're home? :P So we talked to her outside for a while. We should be doin some hs crew reunion soon when everyone's done and back home :)
So Sat L and G were goin to the GC concert and I'm just like, well fuck what the hell am I gonna do? LOL Y'all better be goin out after, don't be givin me no too tired to do somethin shit cuz it's an early show :P We went to Q's and I won every game of course :) I still don't have the greatest shot tho, my aim's off a lot. I was missin that 8 ball like turn after turn :P
Sun was good times. We were supposed to hit Playdium but apparently some corporate party rented out the WHOLE place til 1:30 and Pris had volleyball at 3, like wtf. I was like aw crap, I haven't been in so long and these punks take up the joint for Easter Sun? Geez. So there wasn't much left to do that was open so she dragged me to the drivin range. I dunno what is up with that girl and her freakin golf. I don't get it, like how is this kinda thing fun? Plus everytime we go, she ends up hurtin herself like takin off some skin on her finger :P I'd understand if you got hurt playin soccer or somethin but if you had some sports injury, at least make it somethin good, not by swingin a golf club LOL But it was OK cuz we met up with Jason and Chris, who just got back home from school and who I haven't seen since Al's goin away bash. They're too funny, sucks that they're goin back in a couple weeks. So after golf, Pris and J went to volleyball, Chris went home cuz she don't do sports and I went to play bball with L. I don't think I've played since hs, my shot was so rusty :P G was watchin Harry Potter AGAIN so we played til it was done and we got some BK back to her place. We watched White Oleander and went to McD's for a dessert run. We dropped Heather and Sarah back home and went to Krispy Kreme's. OMG wtf was up with the guys that day? Like holy shit, 2 diff groups of guys at McD's and Krispy were hollarin and sayin stupidass stuff. God I hate these fuckin losers, like who do you think you are? The ones at McD's were sayin shit when we were goin in and the idiots were runnin their noise again when we were comin back to the car and we're like fuck off, but they were still goin while were all got in the car. It was friggin gold when L rolled down the window and yelled to the one with his mouth open the most, "Why don't you get some little BITCH!" LMAO We were all OHHHHH!!, fuckin laughed and drove off LOL Ah fun stuff. The Krispy Kreme guy, I dunno wtf was up with that. Do you think you're cool by tryin to pick up girls in a doughnut shop parkin lot? Honestlyyyy. This is basically what he said, no playin: "Hey girls...(we're like, oh god not again---"well hey baby, please yell outta your car window at me some more, I'll come right on over"---puhleeze)...lotsa doughnuts for 3 girls (we were carryin a couple boxes to take home) about we share some?" My lord. We're like, dude you're sittin in front of the damn place, you want a doughnut, buy some your damn self! Just walk in there and snag one of the free ones they're givin to everybody for shit's sake, you cheapass LOL Good line tho...riiiiight.
Screw, I don't get it, I was outside for not like even 2 hrs and there wasn't even that much sun out, it kept goin sunny and cloudy. It was windy and only warm for about 15 mins. I got a friggin SUNBURN on my face! Screw, man. I didn't notice til I got home and I looked in the mirror. My cheeks and noise looked a bit pink and I'm like no way. Then I felt my face was a bit warm and I know that that meant I got burned. Fuckin hell, so now I looked kinda weird. At least it'll go away soon and I'll be left with a bit of a tan LOL I was lookin a bit pale :P Oh yeah and I dyed my hair this weekend. Haven't kept up the colour in like months, maybe a yr :P I finally decided maybe I'd go a bit diff and try a more reddish brown cuz I've already done the dark chocolate thing. Guess my hair was too dark to see it after you've just done it once or I shoulda left it on longer cuz it didn't come out no 'Sangria' colour, just the normal brown I always get but just a bit of a red kick if you really see it under light or the sun. Oh well! At least it came out all even LOL and smells good!


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