Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Last classes are sweet...they're super short :D Got out at like 8 tonight. See, 1 hr classes I can do! Got my Women and Film essay back, the one I had THE MOST DRAMA with this semester. I actually got a B but it with the 15% off for bein late, I ended up with a friggin D+. Dammit! That was a kickass paper too...a B, man. I gotta get them to take pity on me and bump it up to a C. Tony got a freakin extension, where's MY sympathy?
Speakin of Tony, do I even wanna get into today? Geeez. Is it completely impossible to be friends with a guy?? Dammit, why they gotta go and be into me, can't we just be friends? It's not such a crazy idea. Ugh, this shit is so frustratin. You know what? I don't even wanna go there, the whole situation tires me :P I talked to him for a while today cuz of class and I had half an hr before I had to jet so...yeah, interesting convos. Anyway, new topic...we were at Wendy's and I was standin at the counter waitin for him and somebody said excuse me. It was somebody who worked there pushin some cart and wanted to get past the counter thing to get in and I was like, oh sorry and moved outta the way all nice and polite. Then I turned and saw the guy and I just glared at him. It was the bastard who shafted me outta 5 bucks at the beginnin of the yr. The same old guy who apparently thinks $10 bills look like 5s, even though they're totally diff colours and I distinctly remember which bill I gave him. Fuckin idiot doesn't even check how much money customers give him. Anyway it was that whole confrontational drama in front of a line fulla ppl, with me sayin he owed me 5 bucks and him sayin I only gave him a 5, blah blah blah and at the end of the day, said they turned up short at the tills so he still wouldn't gimme my damn money. It's only 5 bucks, I know, but it's the fuckin principle. If I wanted to pay $10 for a burger meal, I woulda gone to a restaurant, tip and all. Like, I wouldn't try to con you for 5 damn dollars, fucker. I'm not pathetic or a shame ass scammer. Grrr, what a dick. I still don't get anythin to eat from there. Well back to the Tony rambling...turns out he's goin to summer school too AND he's gonna be in the same class as me! What is THAT? SO weird. Stalkin me, I'm tellin ya LOL So I'll be seein him in the summer too no doubt. Oh and I almost got him to come with me to the Avril show but he's workin that night, dammit. He doesn't really like her that much but he was actually thinkin about it til I told him the close! :P
What's freaky is how I'm always talkin about somethin one day and it happens the next. The other day I was bitchin about that film midterm where a big chunk of it was movie quotes and how it's the stupidest thing to include when it doesn't test anythin, and I was tellin L how I was thinkin about writin up an appeal or whatever to do somethin about the grade I got cuz it just wasn't fair. So yesterday, the class is sittin there at the beginnin of lecture when the prof says somethin about a make-up test and I'm like what? When did he say anythin about a make-up? Did I miss it? He tells us to get out a piece of paper and put our names on it. Everybody's just like huh? Apparently we were doin it right then and there. They were just like 1 word answers tho and I don't even get how that's gonna work cuz it was just 5 questions. I so wanna know how this is gonna improve the marks, cuz it better be a lot! But anyhoo, I totally guessed on all of them. I kinda knew but no way in hell was I sure but I got them all right anyway :) He went over the answers after we handed them in and hearin that I got them all plus the bonus question I was like, BOOYAH! Perfect, baby! Awww yeah! So that was a good one. Weirdo week tho.


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