Friday, March 21, 2003

Pretty interestin for a boring day today. Rode with G and L to school...even tho we were drivin, still almost made me late :P I went to class while they did their library shit. I was gonna spend my hr break gettin my own books and pickin up Pris' papers and maybe gettin that shoe tag but when I met up with L, she said she ran into Meen so I wanted to go find her. We were up in the balcony desks on the 2nd floor and Meen was below at a table and I didn't wanna yell down so I found a piece of paper, crumpled it up and dropped it on the desk. Good thing it landed right cuz I woulda bopped somebody in the head beside her LOL She looks at it, looks up, goes WTF?, and sees us grinnin LOL So we caught up for the whole hr, good times. Found out what the hell's been goin on with Tash since she friggin disappeared off earth...and Jay and Meen's cousins and everybody else. Meen's like, I was feelin kinda crap but now I'm better cuz I got to talk to you guys LOL And she's not goin to actual summer school either so I STILL got no one to go to the gym with me! Lecture was boring as usual but thank god we let out early, so I got all my other errand shit done. I didn't realize I shoulda gotten my books from the library earlier cuz I didn't know which ones I needed and turns out they're the biggest, heaviest things in the world. So I had my backpack fulla these damn weights, I was strugglin just to pick up the bag, I for real almost fell over. Then G and L decide to go to the mall on the way home without tellin me and we just got home now. I had shoppin to do but I didn't have my money with me, so it was retail hell again waitin for them to finish their shit. At least I got to convince L to come out tonight. I wanna play! :) Gots to get to the bars, yo.


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