Thursday, March 20, 2003

It's so nice to have a day off today, my god I needed a break. My sleep's been all messed up...tho I'm proud to say I haven't fallen asleep in class all week! And somebody drank all my coffee! Well I'm finally rid of that monster bitch of an essay due last week. I got up early the day I was gonna hand it in and pretty much made myself late for art class again. Had to drive to G's house to print it out, drove us both back to mine to drop off the car, then take the bus to school...SO STUPID. But at least I had G to ride with since she was goin to work. I was almost gonna skip altogether since I was gonna be an hr late anyway but I was a good girl. I got to miss the group discussions, which is a good thing LOL since I didn't do the reading. So the 2 hr break between classes, I figured I could make my essay better and I did my same ol library biz. At least this time there wasn't any comp freezin or disk BS to piss me off. I printed out the whole essay again even tho I already did at G's (11 pages! That's a whole dollar off my card LOL). I was walkin to class and I was just thinkin about how I had a feelin that I'd run into Tony before it started. Then boom, he comes outta nowhere with his hands in front of him and scares the fuck outta me. Very weird. Hadn't seen that guy in 2 weeks cuz I kept skippin. He's goin to Montreal next week so I won't see him for another 2 weeks. That bastard somehow got an extension on his paper so he was handin in his essay too. I friggin HATE essays...I don't CARE about what I'm supposed to be writin about, I don't CARE what you think about what I holy motherfuck.
Oh yeah, how's this for a karmic bite in the ass...I was on a high cuz of my 90 on my art take-home exam and I nicely got shot back down when I got my film test back...52. Yesssss. What is that? An A to a D, shit. I still stand by how dumbass and unfair it is to have movie quotes as part of an exam. That doesn't have anythin to do with anythin! You can't even study for that!! That guy better be nice to me on my final.


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