Monday, March 10, 2003

I did somethin really disgustin yesterday...I went to the school...on a Sunday. I spent like 5 hrs lookin up shit for my essay due Wed. On a Sun night!! I was at that damn school til almost midnight, that's friggin insane. Who knew the FUCKIN buses don't run late on campus...I had to call daddy :P THAT night was a bitch of an experience. I was mad tired of that whole day, and I had like no time to do nuthin, I had to shower the next morning...which meant gettin up earlier, ick. I stayed after class today to some more too...for another 6 hrs. *cries* I hate this shit.
On a funnier note, I was goin thru my super old books on my shelf and I picked up some grade school novel of my sister's that I swiped a long time ago. I flipped thru it and there was a buncha pages that were torn and I remembered how we used to get mad at whatever the other one did and get revenge by rippin up eachother's books LOL Isn't that lame? But that's kinda messed up at the same time. It DID get us super pissed tho, back in the day :P
Well guess I should get back to work on that mother of an essay...I think I'm gonna die.


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