Friday, March 07, 2003

Been an interestin couple of days...interestin as in messed up. Yesterday we made it a Blockbuster night and rented Simone, pretty good movie except for that retarded ending. We were in separate cars with me and L in one and G drivin the other so when we were goin in, G was ahead of us at the door. Some woman was walkin behind her and we were comin from the right and yellin at G, bein stupid like singin her name Giiiiiiinaaaaaaa. So G's ignorin us or she's totally deaf cuz she doesn't look up or yell back or acknowledge us whatsoever so we're sayin stuff like, she's fuckin deaf or just a pure idiot. The woman is thinkin we're talkin to her, she's lookin at us and when we get to the door at the same time she's like, "I thought you were talkin to me, cuz my name's Deena" and we're like, oh no no, our friend. And she's like, "Yeah I figured cuz I was like, I don't know these ppl...and they're yellin at me and callin me names!" LOL We're like oh shit, naw man, not you! :P That was DRY. G, man, you fuckin nerd if you'd just act like you knew we were talkin to you LOL All her fault. OMG that new Blockbuster commercial with the bunny and the hamster and the poor mouse...LOL I LOVE it! Too funny! Aw the mouse tho, gettin abused LOL
Now let's rant about my damn day today. So I was out yesterday so I didn't get a chance to check my email...the ONE time I didn't, the one time I shoulda! I'm thinkin I'll just go to tutorial cuz we're gettin back our essays but skip lecture. OK I'm kinda late but like it matters, there's a sign on the door sayin tutorial's cancelled. Holy fuck! I came all the way to school for nuthin. I'm like goddammit, I check my email in the library and there WAS one he sent yesterday. ARGH!!! I KNEW I shoulda skipped the whole day. That's what I get. I call G and tell her to pick me up NOW LOL...I'm done for the day, we're goin to Square One! Oh and the cherry on top was that I also found out that the fuckers at school changed around my program requirements to somethin way easier and I been bustin my ass to get the right courses to do them this yr and last...for shit! Double ARGH!!! And I apparently can't make an advisin appointment til April. I'm not spewin anymore on this, I'm just gonna say...fuckin. hell.


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