Sunday, March 02, 2003

Wooo, Sat was good times! Went out to dinner and got to see Angie who I haven't seen in forever and Nat too, who I haven't seen in forever and a yr :) And Vick too LOL We saw a clone of Joey from Nsync waitin for a table and we all turned and looked so of course he noticed LOL Looked exactly like him, so spooky. We FINALLY finally hit Joe. I'm really feelin that place, I feel like I should go write them up a wicked review :P Too bad about their cheapie drinks tho...$4.50, what happened to $1.50?? If it wasn't for that, I SO woulda gotten hammered last night, but too bad I couldn't afford it no more LOL I even bought some Gravol on Thurs so I could test out if I'd still get sick if I drank and took some after...then all my probs would be over! LOL But once again, fate has stopped me from gettin loaded and I only had 1 screwdriver. Hey I just realized I'm on my 6th month, wow :) Well at least I got to check out Joe after all this time. The line just looks really bad, we were in in like 15-20 mins. See? A lil patience and optimism, ppl. "Croc Rock, Sugar, Fluid, no let's go to Havana, meow meow meow meow" Geez. Once again, I was the right one ;) Gotta love downtown, I think just about everybody comin out or goin in anywhere on the weekend is drunk LOL "You fuckin snow-kickers!" LOL
Oh I almost forgot about the Beetle boys LOL We had to stop at a gas station cuz the car needed windshield fluid and G's car's just gotta be different and everybody was tryin to pop the hood but havin trouble cuz it's some latch thing. We parked next to a black Bug and a buncha guys came out. A group of all guys, dressed up to go clubbin, come steppin out of a Beetle, it was just too funny. Just seein these manly men with their slick gear ready to get down, in a it was a clown car LOL We knew they were gonna come say somethin to us, or at least look over when they came back to the car and one of them tries to be funny and says, "You know you're puttin it in the wrong place" as Nat was fillin up the washer fluid. (I'm still sittin in the car, the 3 of them are workin was kinda pathetic tho, how many ppl does it take to pour washer fluid?? LOL Some girl even came up and asked if we needed help cuz it looked like our car musta broke down or somethin LOL No no it's cool, thanks...we're just tryin to figure out how to pop the hood! :P) So G and them are like, um no it's the right place, thanks. Don't try to psych us out cuz we're girls, buddy LOL
So we're clubbin, havin fun, dancin it up, I'm diggin the music, the crowd's pretty good (except for the requisite drunkass skanks who don't seem to notice they're fallin on you or hittin your back/ass/arm, and those stupid girls who insist on bringin their big purses into clubs and make you wanna grab it and fling it across the room...good luck in findin it, bitch hahaha!) May I also add that some girls were grindin with eachother or whatever the hell they were doin and one of them bent over backwards or somethin? and totally fondled me LOL I was like wtf? I just felt a hand kinda grab me from behind and she half hit my boob and half clung at my side and I'm just like, what is she DOIN? Let go of my shirt, you fool! LOL I always seem to get these half drunk chicks gettin at me, thinkin I was their bf. This one time, somebody grabbed my hand from outta nowhere behind me and pulled and I'm just wtf? and jerked my hand back and she kept grabbin at it cuz she didn't turn around and look. Like, woman, wrong person! Stop touchin me, you tard LOL
Anyhoo, back to some guy was behind me for a while apparently and I turned around and he said somethin about tryin to get me to dance with him but I wasn't payin attention. I'm like, buddy how bout when I'm actually facin you? Derrr. He didn't touch me at all or say anythin so how am I supposed to know you're even there? LOL What a dork, but at least he wasn't the grabby gropey grind-with-me type thank god. And he was cute too :) And super freakin tall! This was just as I was sayin to myself, wow that's weird, no one's actually tryin to get with me this time, I don't hafta deal with the nasties :P I know I totally left L, G, and Nat but they know how it goes LOL But they came to get me later cuz Nat had to work that morning so we had to jet. Didn't get his digits or gave him mine...stupid! LOL Didn't occur to me, but then again I didn't wanna go hunt down a pen :P Man, I was so close to mackin him but I couldn't cuz I had on some Mac Lip Glass which looks good but is the gooiest, stickiest shit ever and I was not gonna get that stuff on him LOL He said he doesn't come there a lot but I told him I'd see him around :P So if anybody knows an Oliver, holla at me LOL


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