Saturday, February 22, 2003

Everything hurts. Can't move much. Today's a lot better than yesterday tho, I can lift my head up without sayin ouch...but I still can't even get dressed without hurtin! Yup, totally forgot to stretch before we went on Thurs and I'm so feelin it. You don't even know how hard it is to get outta bed (my neck muscles are killin me the worst, I hafta roll outta bed!) or put a jacket on. Plus I got kinda sick so I'm poppin throat lozenges, vitamins, Tylenol, and chewin Alpine gum.
We went to some other ski place instead and Steve didn't end up comin so we were on our own, and we didn't how to snowboard for shit. Turns out I was worryin for nuthin about the chairlifts cuz there weren't any but tow bar lift things, and that didn't matter cuz we didn't even get up to the top of the hill :P Too damn high! We're like, no way in hell we're gonna go down that thing our first time out. You can walk up the middle slope so we came up half the hill cuz that's the highest we were gonna try! At least me and G anyway LOL Let's just say L spend most of her time sittin on her ass, not cuz she fell a lot but cuz she didn't even get UP off her ass she was so shame. "I can't get up, you guysssss...I can't do it!" LOL It was kinda pathetic for all of us tho, cuz we see these tiny 6 yr olds zippin down the hill on skis with no poles! while we're just tryin to get down 1/3 of the hill without endin up on our asses or faces. I see these chicks who can board and these lil kids like pro and I'm like well dammit, I wanna do that too! I think I did OK, made one run all the way down still on my feet :) The snow was kinda hard that day, like if you slid your way down, you'd get sliced up. I totally shredded up my gloves LOL The fingers are pretty much gone. I spent a lotta time tryin to keep from slidin past the pylons and into the buncha parents watchin their kids at the bottom (obviously I haven't mastered the technique of stoppin) so I was always draggin my hands on the ground (I usually ended up backwards??) I was also the one with the wettest ass LOL despite wearin somewhat water-resistant pants...probably cuz I spent a lotta time sittin. I'm proud to say it wasn't cuz I fell a lot, I fell hell yeah, but it was just waitin for ppl to get outta the way while we were sittin on the hill so we could go (esp since we were in the middle of the friggin slope :P) I think I'm goofy-footed too, cuz I seemed to do better goin down with the back end of the board first and my right foot first, weird. I was doin a sweet run and I'm like yeaaah! puttin up the rock-on sign with my hands to G and L at the side, then poff!! Took a spill at the bottom LOL My last run, I took off my sunglases cuz it was gettin dark and I'm like I don't need these and put them in my front pocket of my coat. Then I had a bad feelin and I'm thinkin maybe I shouldn't put those there but keep wearin them but I'm like, nah I haven't fallen on my front the whole day it'll be OK. I KNEW I shouldn't have put them there! Cuz as I went down, I started spinnin on my board and I don't even know what happened but did some crazy spill and landed on my front. I freakin hit my head and slid for a bit LOL I didn't even care so much that I smacked my forehead and fell but that my glasses were smashed (they're kinda like sporty wraparounds, not plastic, but just top frames with lenses). I get up laughin and I'm like shit, that's 2 days in a row I got it on the head, hope L and G weren't watchin LOL I check my pocket and yup, it's in pieces...fuck! Now I gotta get a new pair. I was so pissed...if I just kept them on my face since I only hit my forehead, but then again I coulda hit my face and cracked them anyway. Damn.
So we couldn't even last the whole time we paid for so we cut out early and we got them to comp us hrs for the next time we came. After my beautiful grand finale, I'm like alright I'm done! LOL since L and G wanted to call it quits anyway, whinin about the cold and how they suck and G's wet ass and bleedin finger :P The night when we went sleddin I was gettin a sore throat and it got even worse Thurs but by the end of the day, I'm like that's fucked, my sore throat's gone but now I think I got a cold! We were kinda sore after that and we're like, oh man it's gonna HURT tomorrow!! Did it friggin ever! My arms, neck, shoulders, thighs, ribs, abs, my ASS...they're all killin me. It hurts to sneeze. Found some new bruises on my knees too, wonderful. So I was so damn tired, and startin feelin like feverish achy and they wanted to go to dinner. I'm all, screw you...need shower! Need bed! but they weren't lettin me. But fun times! I'd go snowboardin again :) If there's was no one watchin and I was all decked out in padded gear and a helmet, it'll be allllll good LOL
Fri we were all super sore, except L not as much since she didn't really DO nuthin :P so we just chilled at her house. We were thinkin of goin clubbin or somethin but since we couldn't even move, that was out. We were watchin The Good Girl just as it started but of course her satellite crapped out. I think I might stay in tonight too, I need to recover LOL If I even touch my throat, like my neck muscles, I'd cry LOL It was hurtin from Wed from sleddin (dunno how) but for real, I couldn't lift myself an inch off my pillow if I wanted to fix my head. But I wanna go to Joe for my last chance this weekend with what's left of my Reading Week...don't care if it kills me to dance! :P


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