Sunday, February 16, 2003

Damn, I thought I was gonna get my drink on last night but we didn't end up goin to Joe cuz the line was stupid long again so the $1.50 drinks weren't happenin. L and G bitched that it was too cold to wait in line so we picked whatever club was closest, such losers. So we ended up goin into Fluid (10 bucks cover for a spot that ain't even that good was fun on my bday tho, memories!) I swear, again, 90% of everybody there was drunk LOL Figured I should save my cash for the resta the week instead of parking, cover, coat check, and $6 drinks all in one night. Lucky for me! LOL I'm pretty sure I woulda puked later and my 5 month record woulda went to shit. I even popped a Pepto pill before we left in an attempt to ease up the nauseousness that'd come :P I realized that I say screw it and wanna hit the booze whenever I get mad...and when I wanna celebrate. Guess last night was a bit of both. S'okay, I'm still on the vow. Ah next time, I'm pretty sure it'll done later this week LOL Despite G pissin and complainin as much as she always does when we go clubbin, it was still alright. Since we thought we were gonna go to Joe we were wearin jeans, but still got in :) I can get used to this. Got hit with asses, tickled on the stomach, groped across the boobs, and was basically dry-humped LOL Dunno WHAT was up with the ppl in there! The tickler guy was doin some weirdo biz to all of us as we were leavin. I'm like, what the? What's he doin?? LOL The boob incident was an accident tho, some chick was puttin her glass away on the ledge as I was gonna walk (I had the right of way!) so she had her arm stuck out just as I crossed in front and I had to stop but she still bumped me across the chest. I was like, thaaaanks I've been sexually assaulted but she was like sorry, sorry so no biggie. I think that's the last time we'll go there, it's gone downhill esp with the music they play. Now I know to get to Joe super early next time, I want the cheapie drinks!


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