Saturday, February 08, 2003

You know what I like? That I got blog anywhere I damn well please, from whatever computer. Cuz I'm cool like that LOL I think I'm high. Weeeeeeeeeeee! LOL Or I'm crashin, I dunno. I'm really tired...for the millionth time I'm sayin that I'm gonna start goin to sleep earlier. But not necessarily wakin up earlierrrrr! LOL
What did I do today? Oh yeah LOL I think I've made it my pattern now to do assignments the day of. Seems I like pressure and stress. S'okay, makes things more EXCITING dontcha think? :P I know it gets ME amped! LOL I'm joooooookin. Hmm, that doesn't really work, makes it look like I'm sayin joo instead of joe like it's supposed to sound. Anyhoo (LOL and goin by that rule, that looks like anyho! And if I emphasized the ho part, it'd be anyhoeeeeee but that'd look like I'm sayin anyhoeyyyyyy LOL Man, english is messed up! ANYWAY, I don't think I've spent a whole lotta time actually in class this week but in the library typin up my work. Didn't end up doin my art assignment last night like I said. Sweet Home Alabama wasn't all that BTW, kinda boring but then again we weren't really payin attention to it but tryin to throw Hershey Bites and M&M's in G's mouth but missin and gettin them down her shirt LOL...we went on a snack run at the gas station...lotsa chocolate, needed L's fav chips, boy issues, whole other story! Goin on a tangent again, my cell battery died again :P L, I TOLD you not to play with it, geez! Dropped it on the floor too while you're at it, yeah I saw! But you burned Coldplay for me so I'll let it go...then again, you took my CDs and illegally made copies of them too so, right, I get to piss at you still! LOL Sorry Em...there, I mentioned you, feel special :) Went to SOSC tutorial today, tried doin my work (so I tried finishin the work on my hr break between classes but that didn't work either. At least my TA got my email from last week. Brought the hard copy of the paper I tried to get in and he took that anyway cuz it's easier for him, so I don't think I got marks off or anythin cuz he didn't mention it and a buncha other ppl were handin them in too :) Figured I'd go to lecture but I knew he'd talk about the same stuff from tutorial and I don't even take notes anymore so if he did talk about somethin important I'd at least be there. I wrote out my art stuff instead, very productive :) Then skipped out on the last half of class to go type it up. Then the comp I was usin wasn't askin me for my print job code so I had to go the science library just to print, THEN back to the library to staple the damn papers together. And of course by the time I got there, the visual arts office was closed. I'm like, not again...screw it, I'm shovin it under the door. Prof won't see it til Mon anyway right so it's no biggie...I did it, I wasn't havin anythin to do with it no more! So I'm done, baby. No more hw (that I know of) and it's the weekend :) 1 more week and it's Reading Week, yeah!


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