Monday, February 03, 2003

LOL I'm so's me thinkin I didn't really have hw to do over the weekend except for readings that I already didn't do anyway, and I come into class late today and everybody's in groups. I sit down and join one and I'm like, so what're we doin? They're like, "we're doin number 2" (doesn't sound right anyway but let's grow up here, ppl! jokes jokes) but I don't get it so I'm like, oh we're just discussin the readings? "Yeah, did you do the assignment?" I'm like, what?? And they go on about the hw we had to do for today's class which I TOTALLY forgot about, even tho I wrote it down in my notebook last week LOL Shit. Completely slipped my mind, that shows me not to write it in my agenda :P So I'm like aw crap and a girl goes, don't worry I didn't do it either LOL Now I don't feel so bad. Then another chick comes in late after me and joins the same group and she didn't do it either! The group's like ah, half of us didn't do it anyway LOL I didn't even do the reading that went with it so if I had to talk or somethin, I'd be so screwed. So now I got another write-up to hand in, apparently a buncha other ppl didn't do it and we get til Fri to hand it in. So I've got that, my 60s art paper on Wed, and probably a better version of my SOSC paper by Fri too and a wack of other take home and in class exams over the next couple weeks. It's all gonna kill me, I can tell. I was so tired from the lack of sleep when I came home that I couldn't even make it to my bed, I just grabbed a pillow from my chair and hit the floor LOL Was actually pretty comfy, no complaints...I'm a simple kinda gal LOL It's carpeted and I was in front of the heating vent thingy...mmm warm, esp since I didn't have a blanket :P


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