Sunday, February 02, 2003

Well last night was interesting. We ended up goin to Croc Rock cuz the line at Joe was friggin insane, it was never that long and packed when it was Whiskey. Steve ended up comin by himself, turns out he lives like walkin distance from the club district. Damn, no cute buddies! LOL Croc Rock was pretty good on Halloween which was the first time we went but tonight they were bangin out the retro like it was oldies night or somethin. Tho there were a lot of the 'mature' crowd..I'm talkin in their 30s LOL But it is kinda an after-work joint so it usually don't matter as long as the music's good and the nasty 37 yr old men keep their hands to themselves. Didn't stop them from askin me to dance tho LOL Geez. I really don't get how they think they're gonna game a 22 yr old to get with them, if they were hot, MAYBE LOL. But I doubt that, I don't dig the middle-age-wannabe-goatee-with-dress shirt-and-tie-looks-married-with-kids deal :P Can't believe I totally pushed some guy and told him to keep walkin LOL Didn't realize it sounded so rude, but oh well! I also can't believe L walked away from this cutie who said hey to her...I was like, what're you doin? He was cute! She's like I know! I only realized when I turned back and had already started walkin away! LOL Idiot! His friend was sayin hey or somethin (couldn't hear or he was talkin some other language) to L and the cute guy was stoppin him and was sayin somethin like forget it, like not to try cuz she totally dissed him a sec earlier LOL. I swear, everybody in the whole place was drunk! LOL I got a drink practically POURED on my shoulder down my arm. The chick was smashed or somethin cuz I'm like aw! when the drink got on me and she's like oh blame it on this bastard here, pointin to the guy she was with. I'm like, okaaaay, lucky I'm not gonna slap you one, you dumb ho. Good thing I was wearin a sleeveless shirt. Dunno what was up with the music, the DJ threw in some good songs here and there and me and L would go up on the floor for a few then go right back to the table cuz they kept spinnin some retro song right after. So we spent most of the time sittin at the bar table talkin and smokin (I forgot the cigs in my jacket...I told L to remind me!...and we had to go back to coat check and ask if we could get them). OK the G and Steve thing pretty much was workin out after all. He had called her back and they got a holda eachother and we met up with him downtown and he came so all's good. But of course we had to pep talk G this time LOL For real, it's like we're in HS. Me and L were just worried about when we left them alone to go dance cuz they might not get the convos goin since they're both not dancer and they're quiet and G's got the nervous, spastic low self confidence thing goin on LOL But apparently, they got the talkin :) But there was a time when L and G had to go the bathroom so I had to be alone with Steve and I'm like, OK now I gotta make convo with him, hope it doesn't go weird :P But I think I talked more to him that night than G did! LOL But probably cuz I was sittin (standin and leanin on the table and wall actually, only 3 stools and my ass was hurtin from sharin with L) closest to him. He was gonna buy me shooters too, $2.50 all night :) G was just NOT gettin the hint for her to move her damn chair closer to him, she was practically sittin right next to L and we're just like G can you move over a bit so the waitresses won't keep bumpin into the back of us *wink wink*, over and over (of course without the winkin cuz Steve woulda saw LOL) but she's just so slow! LOL Anyway, still a decent time...when we were jettin after, saw a guy pukin, a group of drunk guys with one walkin backwards and talkin to somebody and totally almost slammed into me (jackass!), and a chick fight! LOL That was TOO damn funny. Group of ppl standin outside a club yellin and I could tell, I could just smell a brawl about to start. Then somebody started thowin down or somethin cuz they all moved around and arms were flyin and L was walkin a bit ahead of us and almost got taken out LOL I saw they were startin to fight so I stepped on the street just in time to miss gettin crashed into or my head gettin knocked probably. It happened so fast, I just saw punches and a girl got pushed/knocked to the ground and another fell after her and she started kickin at air like a damn mule at whoever pushed her LOL Lotsa yellin, guys comin up goin 'easy easy!' and more ppl either tryna break it up or hypin them on. We kept on walkin but I'm like, wait, I wanna watch LOL Was a good show! It's diff if it's all guys tho cuz then we'd be blazin outta there, you know chicks won't be bustin out with guns or some shit so it was funny :P


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