Thursday, January 30, 2003

OK so I'll talk about what happened yesterday first so this won't be such a monster of a post. So my Women and Film paper was due yesterday and I got absolutely nowhere with it the night before. I just have the WORST attention span and I can't crack down and concentrate and get it done. So I figured I'd get up earlier the next morning and finish it. Here's the thing tho, I had about a page done (about 2-3 to go) and I still had no working printer (I really need to get that shitass thing fixed) and I couldn't get a holda anyone else to use theirs. K I'm dumb and went to bed at like 3 again with not a lotta sleep from the day before, and got up at 10. Of course I got next to nuthin done again and I had to jet for art history class. I dunno how but I left the house earlier than I usually do but still ended up late for class...damn bus. There was another weirdo on this time. He had some big duffel bag and the bus was packed so there were no more seats so he plunked down his bag on the floor and just sat on it. Everybody was like what the hell? Later a seat got freed up and some guy told him and he said somethin about not wantin to sit there for some reason. So he just sat there on his bag on the floor blockin off the back of the bus. Of course I was standin next to him, and I couldn't move any further up cuz he was in the way. Oh and the windows on the bus were totally friggin dirty so you couldn't see nuthin outside at ALL so of course this also had to be the same bus that was super packed too, PLUS the driver wasn't sayin what the stops were over the speakers like he's supposed to. So I'm sittin but I'm half dozin and I wake up and I can't see a damn thing, not even thru the front windshield cuz there's a whole buncha ppl standin and blockin the way and I just miss my stop to transfer to the bus that goes straight to campus and instead go all the way to the subway station and transfer there. I'm late for art half an hr and I'm still not done my paper due that same day. I figured not to skip art cuz we might be doin somethin important and she might talk about the paper due next class (yup another one to do, ugh) so I thought I could somehow finish my paper at school on my hr and a half break between classes. Good thing too cuz she took attendance that day. Now I just had to find a comp on campus that I could type it up on Word and print out. I was pretty sure there was somethin like that somewhere, cuz what about students who don't have comps? I can't even emphasize the stress I had to go thru to do this. So I'm thinkin I should write out the stuff and do notes from the reading and whatnot first so I went lookin for an empty classroom and I found one (I now know where to go if I want a chair and desk and have a room to myself heehee, instead of sittin on the floor in the halls or worryin about havin food in the library). This room also has a TV and DVD/CD player so I can go watch movies next time on my breaks on Wednesdays, score! :) So I get that done and I'm off lookin for a comp. The ones in the library that I know of don't have Word or print out your own assignments and whatever. I DID discover a whole new part of the library where there's a big section of comps that you can use for your own stuff and print out shit. I've been over there before but I don't remember them bein there ever, I always thought they were just more of the regular comps so I just passed them by. I asked the guy and he said I could use those ones and I'm like really?? I learn more and more about places on campus every time LOL But I didn't have the special comp account and it'll take about 24 hrs to activate so I'm like oh, crap that doesn't help me then. But again, more very useful info that I have now...these comps do the Messengers and stuff too so I can chat on my breaks again! :D Anyway, so that was one attempt. I tried the Student Centre (closed by that time), the library, my college building (nuthin), I was gettin desperate. So I called D to see if she was home and I could use her stuff at her place since she's lives real close to campus. No answer. I'm like, OK last resort, I feel like such a user but I don't care...I called Tony LOL He picked up and he wasn't at his place but he was around on campus. His printer was broke too but he was already done his paper. He told me to go to the science library and I'm like, they have those there? Are you sure? Again, I haven't seen these alleged comps but, shows what I know. Apparently they have them so off I went. I ran into him as I went lookin for it LOL I went in and couldn't see any that I could use, they looked like I needed to sign up for. I asked the info guy and he said I could use these 3 for Word and printing and I couldn't believe it. These? Any of these ones? I can type up stuff and print it out? Are you sure? LOL Finally! I found them! I sat there goin, wowww, now I know LOL Why haven't I done this before? I popped in my disk and worked away. I was walkin all over campus, all stressin and panic-y but I got my coat and gloves on cuz it's so cold out so I'm practically sweatin :P Of course, writin the paper took longer than I thought esp since I wasted a good hr runnin around and writin the rough copy out so it was gettin past 7 and film class already started. I was thinkin like, why didn't I just go home and finish it if I wasn't gonna make it to class anyway? (I really thought I would be done in time to make it for class) Then again, I didn't have a printer still LOL so that wouldn't work plus gettin home and back would take 3 hrs on the bus so no. I finished about 9 so as long as I got it in before class was done, I was set. Tho I didn't have a photocopy card on me for the print-outs (costs like 9 cents a pg, those cheap-asses) but I saw the guy next to me do his stuff a few mins before so I knew he had one. I asked if I could use his and I'd give him the money for it but he was so nice and he said I could use it and to forget about the money (it'd come up to like measly 40 cents but still, it's not like I didn't have change on me, I coulda paid him back LOL) I had to ask him to help me how to print too :P I thanked him twice and he was just like, oh no prob. What a nice guy...Jay ;) I know this cuz he typed it as the print job code LOL So now I know about these magical computers and the next time I had a literally last min assignment to do, that's where I'll be. Ahahaha, the power! Messengers and comps without the friggin restricted sites and no cookies shit, and comps to do hw on :) I was thinkin school would be where I should get all my stuff printed out but then again, it costs as opposed to free at home but mine doesn't even work :P I get to class with an hr left and they're watchin a film so I catch the last part of it with no idea what it's was kinda interesting tho. 10 comes and I hand in my paper, done and over with! :) So that was my long ass Wed, as usual (Nice Guy Day tho LOL)...but I technically spent a total of 3 hrs actually in class LOL Supposed to be there from 2:30 til 10 but since I was late and art class ended early and I didn't go to film class til an hr left, all that time was mostly workin on that damn 4 pg paper :P I think it was pretty good tho, and it's 25% of the grade. I spend a lot of time debating if I should hand in a not as good paper on time or if it's better to hand in a better paper late...that's bad LOL Then again, it won't necessarily be better...or the deducted marks might be too harsh (I can't calculate these kinda percentages with the so and so marks off thing), I could very well hand it in late and still get a D if it sucks plus the marks off. Always a gamble! LOL


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