Friday, January 24, 2003

I know I said I wouldn't skip anymore but technically I wasn't skippin :P The last 2 lectures for SOSC were basically the same stuff he talked about in tutorial so I have perfectly good reason to leave class early. I KNOW I wasn't missin out on anythin important cuz I stayed for the first half so there's no way there'd be a repeat of last yr's missed essays/dropped course/wasted 500 bucks disaster LOL. I was like damn, Ax isn't in class today in tutorial...sad day LOL But he was in lecture :) In a dress shirt and glasses, adorable! LOL
Been a kinda weird day. Figures that the one day that I prepare myself for cold and bring a scarf, that it wasn't even cold at all but sun-shiny bright. And of course my Walkman batteries died again, I'm hurtin without it during these bus rides. And my cell turned itself off, I know it wasn't low on power cuz I just charged the thing and I looked at it before I put it back in my weird. What's with me and batteries? Geez. Oh and I was in the library and I was gonna go eat somethin so I needed to get rid of my gum. There's lil garbage bins beside the study desks, like 1 every 4 desks but there wasn't one near mine so I walked up to the nearest one which was beside some guy sittin there and I took my gum outta my mouth and chucked it in there, except I totally missed and it just went splat on the floor and I'm like, oh shit! LOL But not like I was gonna pick it up, esp with somebody right next to it (it'd look like I was spyin by his legs or somethin) so I just turned and walked away :P
It was a bit quieter than usual, most likely cuz it's Fri (and what kinda freaks would take classes on Fridays? Oh, this one does! But only cuz I had no choice!). It's sick I tell you :P It's always a bummer cuz it makes me tired in the evening and usually makes me not want to go out...on a Fri night!
OMG there was this guy on the bus comin back tho...he looked normal enough. He came on makin these weirdo sounds and farting noises with his mouth and kept blurtin out stuff I couldn't really make out, openin the window (it's crazy winter out!) and stompin around. I think he obviously wasn't all there. But these 3 guys that were ridin from school were sittin in the row as he was and were laughin but in that way that whoever you're laughin at can't tell you're laughin at them, ya know? 1 of the guys was gettin off at his stop and his friends were like, "You sure you don't wanna stay for the fun?" He's like, "No man, you guys have fun" :P Was kinda entertainin if I wasn't secretly worryin that he might be some crazy nut and possibly do somethin that I couldn't ignore LOL Hmm, I'll just take it chill and stare around and not make eye contact.
I don't think anyone really knows how damn hard it is to find hedgehog food and wood chip prices over the internet LOL Geez, these websites give ya shit. And these online pet stores, they got categories for cats and dogs and small animals etc, OK 'gerbil' sections, 'hamster' sections, but no, no freakin hedgehog stuff. Ugh, so difficult...but of course only cuz me bein a lazyass, I won't up and go to the pet store itself and check if they have any of this crap. So much for shoppin around for the cheapest stuff...the less I gotta shell out for the critter, the better.


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