Monday, January 20, 2003

Got my new licence today! I look like such a frog LOL I think it's the eyes, the lady said I blinked the first time and had to do it again so I made sure I opened my eyes wide enough LOL...sad thing is, it's still better than the old one! At least I'm kiiiinda smilin this time, well at least I don't look like I got up too early for my own good and that I'm gonna murder somebody. I hate doin pictures. Oh well, it's an improvement, won't be feelin as bad when I hand it over to the bouncers when we go clubbin :P
I actually coulda gotten to class on time this morning if it wasn't for the bus. I dunno how many times I can rant about fuckin public transportation...takin its sweetass time today. But not only that, some van caught fire on the way to school and there were fire trucks rushin by. Got to see it cuz they stopped traffic comin up the street and we had to wait there til it was OK. There was a frickin wall of smoke in front of us, like somethin out of a movie. We could smell it too, bleh. I always get the ones that somethin happens on.
Oh, caught up with Liki today too. She handed in her movie a week later, the DAY final marks were supposed to be in, and she got a friggin B...and an A on her report. Man, if I knew the prof was gonna be so lax with deadlines and film length, I woulda said screw it, I'ma take another week to do mine too...tho Al would've already gone and I wouldn't be able to edit but STILL! Meh, I don't care anymore, it's done dammit :P


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