Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Woke up at 9:30...little sleep again...finally finished that biatch of a film tho. YEAH!! It was so ghetto but I don't care, I don't care! Good thing my prof doesn't care about the report part so now I have til the end of the week to email that in. Now, that class is officially done. BUT I was late to first day of American Film by like an hr LOL Ooooops! Damn. I WILL be gettin more sleep and goin to bed earlier, I will!
Blueberry's exactly where I left her last night, I don't think she's moved all this time. Just sits in her lil barrel hut sleepin. Should be no prob takin care of her :P But Al's gone for sure now. Should be in HK by now. I saw her like 3 times over the weekend, each time thinkin that was the last time LOL Now I gotta remember not to call her cell or that she won't be home for 4 months so I can't ask her for nuthin.


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