Sunday, January 05, 2003

Al's party was at D&B's, fun times. Got to see Mike, Jason, Chrissy, Deb, and all of Al's other friends :) Tho, Mickey and Jay weren't there, the punks. Won everybody at pool...except for Jase, twice :P Cheatin bastard, stop with your crazy voodoo vibes on the table dammit, makin my shots all wack LOL That's OK, I've come to the theory that I can beat all the girls at least LOL Boogershnots, Al! :D Still don't get the thing with the shuffleboard, ppl LOL. G couldn't go cuz of how she hit the curb the other day so she's in shit cuz the alignment's fucked up, ooooh. I was seein Al today anyway (got up at 8 friggin 30 am, left at 8 pm!!) cuz I had to FINALLY do my film project that I haven't touched since the beginnin of Dec and is due on Tues :P Exploited her for her comp and her editing program :) Got the damn thing done but it needs so much more work that I'm not gonna give it LOL It's like a min under. Man, I really shoulda spent more time on it, actually coulda been pretty good. Oh wells! Still gotta write up the stupid critique or whatever. I'm so tired. And tomorrow school starts again, noooooo! And of course, my new class is at 11:30, meanin I get up at 9. I'm cryin now.


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