Saturday, December 21, 2002

This G and Steve thing is too funny. Apparently, they had a good time (all 6 of them!) but Steve's goin back to BC for the break so she can't get together again with him for a bit. Ya know, the big 2nd 'date' :P Vick and L got on me for not goin with them cuz Steve's friend Larry was hot and they were all about hookin me up with him LOL They're all tellin me they were like fuck, why ain't she here?? LOL I'm like, damn! Oh well, not even for payin 15 bucks to see Lord of the friggin Rings and gettin home at 2 in the morning. I'm guessin Steve's friends are around his age so I'm not really feelin the older guy thing anyway, cute as he may be. And he is, cuz G pointed him out in the pix on Steve's webpage :P She says he's way better lookin in person tho! Even G was goin on about how much hotter Larry was than Steve, what a skanky ho! LOL Probably lookin at him the whole night more than she was Steve. That's so wrong LOL But she would never, she'd just look (her words) esp after all the work we put into to hook her and Steve up dammit :P Meh, we'll see all about this biz when he's back and they call eachother up.
Went back to the ol HS...damn, there's some memories. Only been back there like 3 times since I left. The gym, the library, the art wing, the business wing, the caf, the rotunda, the drama room, so small. Those fuckin stairs, oh those 3 longass flights of stairs everyday, sometimes for every class but esp in the morning runnin late and tryin to make it in before the anthem. I can't believe how much I bitched about wantin to get outta there so bad, now I'd go back if I could. The only good thing was gettin to see the crew everyday (OK niner yr was actually good but it kinda went downhill from there LOL). The hw woulda been fuckin cake. K I could do without the 8:45 morning time but I dunno what I was complainin about HS for. Not so much that it was HS but cuz it was THAT school, the building, the kids, the teachers, the classes, whatever. I remember not bein able to take 75 mins of sittin there and bein restless and watchin the clock for class to get done, and now I do the same shit for 3-4 hrs straight! Still, one thing I love about uni is havin no one bein on my back for bein late or gettin work done or listenin to a teacher's dumbass rules like they 'owned' the actual classroom. Please. See? After HS, they don't give a shit about that nonsense and you know what? The grades you got don't even matter after you got in so it's all bull. Man, if I knew this, I wouldn't have worked so hard on some assignments! Just about killed myself gettin projects done and studyin for tests when in the bigger pic, it's for shit. Cuz I SO need to know what x equals when y is squared root tangent radius bitchass fuckin hell. I'm not goin into my math (and science) rant. Anyways, art! Art was decent. Hence, us goin back to visit our old art teacher. Got to see her kid in the daycare, he's the cutest thing and the dude can talk in like whole sentences, he's 2!
Oh man, I don't even wanna touch what's goin on with Shy. The whole thing just tires me out. She's gots to get some help and I wanna be her friend but it's so much more than me at this point I think. I got her back, for like forever, but I can't deal with this. It's her mind, that crazy genius mind that just needs some calmin down.
K I'm tired so I'm out.


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