Monday, December 09, 2002

Sat was CRAZY. We went to Shoeless Joe's for dinner (we finally decided there since there was a Leafs game on that night so we would watch cuz it's a sports bar type place...they won, yay!...and they don't make you do dumbass things to you if it's your bday like wear antler hats, yes I've done it before). I brought along a camcorder to tape all biz cuz I knew some stupidness would come up and it'd make for some hype laughs. K, me bein on my booze-free kick, I wasn't plannin on drinkin even on my own bday jam, maybe just a bit here and there. So Al announces dinner's on her AND she's buyin me and Kare shots...nooooo! I protested and protested but she wasn't havin it and I'm like dude, respect a person's decision not to drink dammit LOL So I was like screwww, bein off alcohol for almost 4 months is all goin to shit (OK I had a couple drinks in that time but it was alright cuz nuthin happened and it was just a lil bit). She was gonna get us friggin TEQUILA shots of all things but then the waitress suggested Bazooka Joe's, some banana liqueur and blue/green stuff and Bailey's. So she brings us the shots so I don't have a choice no more but to drink it LOL 4 of us are doin it all together (everybody but the drivers) so the whole time I'm like, I hate you guys, I hate you guys! I haven't eaten anythin yet so I'm downin it on an empty stomach...recipe for diaster I tell ya esp since I haven't been drinkin in a while :P It was pretty good tho, sweet, but I could feel the burnage. At least I didn't choke like Kare tho LOL G ordered stank-ass calamari so I made her switch seats with Kare and sit at the end of the table :) I warned her! So after dinner, we open presents and I got a buncha good stuff. Kare's gift tho, OMG...she did that gift within a gift thing so I had to go thru like a mountain of packaging. I finally open it up and geezus...she got me fuckin BOOZE!! I don't remember if I told her about my vow thing cuz then she wouldn't have gave that stuff to me. Anyway, it was vodka, rum, whiskey, Kaluha, Southern Comfort, and Jelly Bellys, a martini glass, a shot glass, all in an ice bucket LOL I peeked in for a sec and saw all those bottles and was ohhhh my godddd, Kare you evil evil woman! Why would you do this to me?? You're all so mean to me!! LOL Messed up...I haven't had any of it yet but I guess the vow thing's gonna be off pretty soon cuz I gotta drink them now, right? I'm bettin it's gonna be off by New Yr's anyway LOL But who's prouda me? I held off for the most part on the booze, just had that shot at the restaurant and a chocolate martini shot at the club, oh and some Tom Collins. So after we eat, we go downtown and decide we're goin to Fluid Vick can't go cuz she's gotta be up at like 6 for work the next day and G does too but it's our bdays and she's drivin so she hasta come :) All the shit that goes down while we're in the car is too funny. All on tape, baby! The bad thing was that I couldn't bring the camera in the club so we missed out tapin the BEST stuff. Cuz everythin that happened in the club was friggin priceless. Kare got some old man dancin with her twice and would not step off LMAO...we're talkin as short as she was, at least 60 yrs old, white hair LOL Damn. It was kinda cute at first cuz he was dancin on his own with a crowd around him cuz hey, how many guys that age can dance like that? But then again, WTF is an old guy like that doin at a club? We think he must've worked there cuz sometimes they get ppl to dance to get the crowd goin on the floor and he was wearin the red shirt they wear. Me and Al zoned in on a guy for G and got that shit DONE :) G is so shy and quiet and wouldn't normally do anythin with a guy on her own unless we forced her to, no lie. We got mad at her for not doin anythin and takin advantage of this PRIME opportunity that we basically did all the work for LOL We basically spotted him, followed him around tryin to figure out a way to get him to dance and then dance him on over to where G was cuz no way in hell she's come over on her own. Serious, we were on him like nobody's biz and even lost him for a while and waited for him to come back (dude disappeared like freakin Superman) so we thought we lost him for good and went back. But we saw him again and G was gettin smart to what we were doin and YELLED at us not to start any trouble LOL So this went back and forth and we caught up to him again and by this time Al's gotten all buddy-buddy with him (his name's Steve) and he's so much like G, he was perfect. He was first sittin by himself as his friends danced and he said he doesn't dance (just like G) unless he's buzzed enough and he hadn't had nuff to drink so that's why he wasn't dancin. He was cute enough and seemed like a really nice guy. I asked him if he had any smokes on him (forgot mine in my other jacket at home, fuckin hell!) and he said he didn't smoke (score! G hates smoke, as she always makes it clear to us when we light up). So they switched digits and Al even took a pic of us with his camera LOL Madness. Oh and when we first got in the club and were chillin at the bar, I said I would give the biggest props to whoever got someone to bum them a cig or buy them a drink :) I like to start lil contests to get shit goin. Meh, no one was really feelin my challenge. Oh well, I was set on gettin me a smoke that night I swear to god LOL So we're in the hip hop room and dammmn, can you say molestation? LOL We always say to ourselves, OK girls, let's get ready to get fondled, every time we go clubbin and it's true LOL Hands hands hands! A smack on the ass here, an elbow to the boob there...grope-fest. I was walkin to the bar and some guy totally stuck his ass out so I would walk into him when I passed by LOL I got a coupla drunk ppl too I think. Some chick comes outta nowhere and comes up to me and G, smellin her hair and announces to us, "I smell". I just look at her and go, um OK? LOL She turns to the guy next to me and starts talkin to him. I think she got the wrong person and was kinda not all there :P These 2 other girls are by the bar right where we're dancin and one of them's like fallin all over the place, pretty drunk I'm guessin, and her friend's like I'm sorry, she's messed up tonight...get a grip, woman! LOL I had a few guys tryin to dance with me but I wasn't havin it. Like, no, don't think you can just come up to any chick and start grindin, not with me anyway. Please. I hate it when they just come up from behind cuz it's all dark and I can't really see their face til I completely turn around and it could very well be some nasty guy and I wouldn't tell. One guy started with me and he wasn't too bad, kinda cute, he was allowed to stay LOL Damn, I left the group a while and went off with him. I think he said his name was Bjorn, I'm not sure. He asked for my number and me bein all progressive asked for his instead but he wouldn't give it up so I'm like, fine got a pen? and he busts out his cell. OK then. But I gave him my cell so I don't gotta answer it anytime if I don't wanna. Oh and I scored a cig off him, yeaaaaah! LOL I yelled so much and so loud in the club, I sorta lost my voice. So we're back in the car goin home and we're in the lamest mood to pull some stupid shit. Never did so many drive-by hollas and honkins at guys in in cars in one night LOL G bein G was goin, you guys, don't do that, the whole time LOL. I think she gets embarassed if a guy so much as looks at her. We tried so hard to just get her to wave at a car fulla guys on the highway and she just would not :P Got some weirdo dude makin nasty faces at us comin back but I couldn't really see cuz I was on the phone. Oh! Tony! LOL I had told him I'd call him about Sat so I did, he said he was workin til 9:30 but we'll see what was goin on since he'd hafta get a ride downtown to meet up with us and all. He called at 9:30 but I guess I didn't hear it cuz we were still in the restaurant and my cell said I missed his call but the time I checked my phone we were already downtown and I totally forgot about him! Oops! My bad. Didn't really matter anyway cuz he called when we were headin back home and was sayin that it wouldn't really make sense to go all the way where he was to pick him up and all the way downtown, esp since my friends couldn't give him a ride cuz the car was full. Oh wells...but he does wanna hook up next week, eesh. I dunno. So yeah, when the weird guy in the car next to us at the light was makin faces I was tryin so hard to not laugh and go WTF? so Tony wouldn't hear. Then when we got back into town, Al got some ghetto idea to play ring-around-the-car or whatever it's called when everybody gets out and switches seats at a red light. Her and L did it the first time and it was so lame LOL Then we all did it again later but we were at a stop sign in boonyland so it wasn't much of an event :P But we drove off from the stop sign and we hear a thump. We were guessin it was our doggy-bag food in the trunk that fell over. Al's like, where's my scarf? She thought we might've run it over or somethin but we're like Al, scarves don't go thump. But she was convinced somethin happened to it cuz it was nowhere in the car. We drop L off and Al finds a piece of her scarf that was ripped off the rest of it LOL We're like oh shit...awww...we killed it LOL So we drive around L's street cuz it's a crescent and we see the resta her scarf lyin in the road exactly where we stopped and did the seat-switchin thing! I guess it got caught in the door and a part of it was under the tire and it just ripped when we drove off. Too funny. When I got home, I think the thump in the car was also from all my bottles spillin out of the box in the trunk and I had to find them all. Ahhh memories I tell ya.


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