Sunday, November 24, 2002

I didn't do my SOSC assignment on Thurs night, or Fri morning either, went to class as usual then went home and finally finished it in the evening and sent it off. Technically, it was in on the day it was due so I think it's considered on time :) Thought I was gonna go out Fri night but by the time I was done the thing, it was kinda typical Fri lag in energy hit me so it was no biggie.
Funny how talkin to Ax can brighten things. This would be my weekly Ax report here LOL Caught him when tutorial was done and hung with him a bit. I'd ask to borrow his notes but that was the last class of the semester til Jan and the midterm's this week LOL Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those ppl who bug just cuz he looked my way or go oh, my, god, he said hi to meeeee! If I'm havin a shitty day, a convo with him won't make my yr, it'll just make it less shitty :)
Sat was nuts. We went downtown, then back uptown, around Yonge, hit a 24 hr Loblaw's LOL, and then Timmy's. I was hyped to do somethin but then we finally got around to decidin what we were gonna do for sure, I wasn't feelin it anymore. It was messed up cuz I felt so blah and gettin tired thru the whole night, L too. But I didn't even get to bed til 4 in the morn :P Somethin I learned from that night, always be sure about who's around you when you're Loblaw's (yes, a midnight food run), L got some way enthusiastic guy at cash and he was all, hiiiii....ok, do you have air miles? Greaaaat! Thank youuuuu LOL The dude's workin graveyard shift and he's so perky. I dunno, ya had to be there. Just the way he was sayin stuff was too funny and I was standin nearby and I didn't realize I had this stupid smile on my face til I saw my reflection in the windows and I was like, shit I didn't even know I was smilin so big that ppl can see. Cuz I was tryin so hard not to laugh out loud at the guy, it was bad. So I'm standin kinda behind him and I'm lookin at L and she's findin it hilarious too but she's even worse cuz she sure as hell can't be smilin AT ALL since he's right in front of her and she looks at me smilin and her face looks like she's about to bust out. Then we're walkin back to the car and we're so makin fun of him in the parkin lot and laughin our asses off (kinda mean I know but hey it was funny) and a car is parkin in a spot where we're walkin past. Some guy gets out...young, kinda cute :)...and his dad or somebody, and I looked at him and I got this feelin for some reason about him. So apparently he can hear all the mess we're flappin about Perky Guy as we walk by cuz he said somethin like, hey don't make fun of us, it's our job, we gotta do that (I couldn't really hear all of it, L was closer to him) and he was smilin. So me and L just look at eachother like what the hell? Damn, he heard all that! Bad enough some stranger overheard what we were sayin and makin such a noise of it. Then we're like wait a sec, he must work there and he's goin in there right now to start his shift or somethin so he probably knows exactly who it was we were mockin!! LOL Shit! So him and his dad go in and we're sittin in the car eatin, and there's really big windows so you can see a lot of the store. L sees him talkin to Perky Guy and we're like oh damn, hope he wasn't tellin him about what we did! :P He's comin back out...guess he was doin some late night shoppin too (so he wasn't workin that night but he DID work there!) I'm like let's jet the hell out before he sees us still in the car after all that LOL That's just dryyyyy.
Today I got reminded of why I hate goin shoppin with my mother. Dear lord. This is why I don't do it! Such an ordeal. It's, for real, so physically and emotionally exhausting :P Takin her slowass time...oh and the lectures! Love those lil conversations with some naggin thrown in. I wanted to bash my own head in several times. I don't like shoppin in the first place unless I'm shoppin for me, and that's rare since I don't get to do that much, havin next to no spendin money on a ordinary day :P Don't remember the last time I went on a spree. I bitch and piss all the time when I get dragged to the mall for SOMEONE ELSE'S shoppin trip :P I best be gettin a new phone outta all this. A nice one...with text msging :)


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