Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Guess who scored a 78% on their midterm take home exam essay bitchass assignement? :) Oh yes, that's right, me. After stressin for a whole day (guess I shouldn't mention that we had a week to do it) and bs'in the entire thing PLUS handin in the other half of it late, I almost scored an A. Dammit, 1 lil mark away. Was probably cuz of that late half. Tho I could always argue that if I handed it all in on time, would I have gotten a better mark? Cuz it coulda very well been shitter material :P
Even tho I left the house totally late to catch the bus for class yesterday, I got there EARLY LOL Very rare. So I was in class before Tony was. Since he wasn't there, I sat in the back. I saw him come in later but it's not like I was gonna pick up all my stuff and get around everybody's legs to walk down to the 2nd row where he was and sit with him (the room is like a movie theatre). I pretended like I didn't see that mean? LOL Well he couldn't see me I guess so it's OK. He saw me later when the prof was handin the essays back at the end of class and he came up to me and said, "I thought you were gonna sit with me" and I so played it off like I didn't see him. I was not about to sit so close to the prof anyway, that's just wrong. Makes ya feel you shouldn't nap or doodle LOL Anyway, I think that thing with Tony brought the intensity down a little, whew. I'll just see him next week. And I keep discoverin more ppl in the same classes of mine who I haven't seen before for some reason LOL
Comin home, the police helicopter was up in action with its spotlight and all. Damn thing is so friggin loud, it's always around at night. I mean come on, what're they lookin for? It's the burbs...can't believe they spent a mil for it...I know there's a lotta pot labs around here but really LOL So I was like, please, what's goin down? A takedown? Then we turn the corner and there's cop cars just sittin in the middle of the street and half on the grass of the lil 'parkette' thingy in front of my house! I'm like, oh shit maybe there really is somethin goin down LOL Thoughts of a guy in black runnin around in ppl's backyards ran thru my head LOL
Oh and I finally got that film hw done. I got an email from my prof last night so I'm like crap, gotta get it done by tomorrow then LOL So that shit's emailed in and now I'm free tonight and tomorrow, no class heehee. Time to play, baby!


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