Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Ohhhhh dammmmmmn, did I have some day yesterday LOL Last night was film class and somehow I missed my group members' msg about meeting yesterday to finish editing our project so I wasn't there. I was wonderin how come they didn't call me cuz I was pretty sure we were showin them Mon LOL I was kinda buggin that they'd be mad or somethin but they were cool. And the film turned out pretty good :) I love that class. Everybody is so friggin cool and smart but not in the way that makes you feel dumb yourself, ya know? So anyway, all day yesterday instead of bein at school helpin my group, I was at home typin away tryin to get my film hw done. This is the same hw I've been puttin off since last Wed LOL I figured I'd talk to the prof to see how I could get in my stuff without gettin the marks off too badly. Mind tho, my prof doesn't really give that much of a rat's ass in the first place with deadlines (all she said to my group member who didn't get her slides in til a week later was, "hurry up and get them in!" :P), she's pretty laid back about that kinda thing so I wasn't really worried to begin with. Well she gave back the class's papers with marks and stuff and whoever emailed them into her, she printed out and was supposed to hand back. I had the important part of the package done, I thought maybe I would go, oh I emailed it to you and she'd go, I never got yours, and I'd be like really? But I sent it to you (this is goin on the fact that there was a time when I emailed her somethin before and she really didn't get it) and the email system would be to blame and computer technology and whatnot, but I did have a crappy copy of my synopsis and shit with me (damn printer crapped out and printed it half legible, ugh!) so there was somewhat proof that I actually did the assignment :) BUT, turns out when I went up to ask her how do the ppl who emailed you their stuff get their marks, she thought I meant I hadn't gave mine in yet but was gonna so she asked if I would be gettin it in soon so I gave her a kinda confused look and said that I sent it last week (bigass lie) She was like, oh ok I had printed them out but forgot the copies at home so I'll have them back to you soon. She specifically said it was mine, Ax's and someone else's that she forgot at home and all I could think was, I know THAT ain't true cuz I never sent it in! LOL So I was like OK. She never made any mention that she didn't get any email from me at all cuz apparently she's seen it and marked it! LOL So when she gets around to that, I'll be like what're you talkin about? You said you had it! And there'd be no way to prove that I DIDN'T email it! So when it comes down to it, I'll just send it to her 'again' and I really will have it done by that time. I'm so fuckin brilliant. I amaze myself with my skills :D Now THIS is the kinda smarts ppl should be graded on! Anyway, that wasn't even half the drama that went on yesterday. I came to class late in the first place and the room was locked and the other room that we sometimes use was locked too. This dumbass thing has happened before, I come late and the rooms are locked so where else could they be? I always find out later that they were in some other random place editin or whatever and the room was locked cuz they went in there first and left all their stuff there. And you'd think the prof would leave a note on the door for latecomers or mention it in an email or somethin before class that week but no. That's the one thing I hate about that class LOL That's another story tho :P So I spot my prof goin upstairs and I thought she'd be in her office but I see the class hangin around some editin room (at least I found them this time!) So we're watchin some guy go thru some program cuz it's a kinda workshop tonight and I'm standin behind Tony. K, we've talked like maybe twice and we say hey and stuff but I didn't even know the guy's name til yesterday :P So we're talkin and oh, my, god...he was so hittin me up LOL Half the class does the workshop and the other half is downstairs watchin a film and then we switch. So the group in the workshop head back down and our lil group is tight and whatever. Back in class, we're scattered in the room sittin at our chairs-with-desks thingys and Tony's sittin in front of me and he turns around and asks if he could watch the film sittin next to me cuz he likes to talk over movies and we've both seen this one already LOL I'm like OK. Then he says somethin about it not makin sense to sit by himself than sittin next to the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. I'm just like shut up LOL Whatever, we're chattin and like, the second thing to come outta his mouth is, do you have a bf? OMG, you KNOW that when somebody asks that, you know what they're fishin for. So of course me with the play-along attitude, I ask if he has a gf and we get into how they broke up a month ago and all that. Well hmm, I know where this is gonna end up goin LOL. He makes some comment at least one more time about 'the prettiest girl bein at school with him for at least another yr (we were talkin about how many yrs we had to go til we graduate). What do you SAY to that???? Lord. Anyway, the class is all back together after so he's gotta go back to his own seat cuz he was in someone else's. LOL Ironically it's Ax sittin next to me :) Goooood day. But it's fine if we're just friends tho, it's totally OK with me. Anyhoo, it's break time and Tony asks me if I wanna go out for a smoke with him so I say yeah. I didn't even have my pack with me...or a lighter LOL so I had to bum off him. So it's just me and him outside...(he had to talk to the prof for a bit and everybody else was back in class from the break by the time we headed out, we took a longer break :P) it's dark out and it's pretty much dead on that side of the building LOL geeez. We're smokin and makin small talk and I'm tryin my best not to make it seem totally weird, so we get to talkin about how we're in the same television class too. I've seen him but I have this prob sometimes of thinkin it's not the same person :P So he's like, you should come sit with me and my friend next time. Alrighty, esp since I almost always come late to this class and I need to find a seat LOL So I ask if he's goin to class (the TV one we have together) tomorrow and busts out with, why you wanna go to dinner or somethin? He's half kiddin but good lord. I'm just like um no, I was just askin LOL He's like oh, damn :P Dude's SO pushin this, I'm onto you buddy LOL What's with all the attention lately? Must be my hot new hair LOL Jokes jokes. Oh yeah, just to throw in, my elbow's in its green stage now LOL and yes I wore long sleeves. Ugh, somebody drew a big dark flower on my desk with a pen but I didn't realize it was still inky so I got an imprint of it on my wrist when I was writin notes and the ink on my hand and fingers is still there. Back to the Tony biz, basically he made every effort to make us chummy new friends and would just about go all out of his way to help me with editin my final film project. I could SO capitalize on this LOL but I'm not a user :) He's a really nice guy but I dunno, man. Well that's pretty much all of that stuff. He's savin me a seat tonight LOL Greaaaaat.


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