Friday, November 08, 2002

I don't think this hw's gonna be done til the weekend LOL I don't care anymore!! I have the perfect excuse lined up tho in case my prof gets on my case about why it's so late or whatever...see Wed's post LOL I can claim sickness, not that she even cares all that much for me to come up with somethin more elaborate than that. I hate havin class on Fridays...I always get headaches when Fri evenings roll around cuz I don't get nuff sleep the night before and I hafta get up early and bus it to and from, plus I don't usually eat much in the day so it doesn't put me in my best mood...which is wrong cuz it's Fri and I should be havin fun and playin but all I usually wanna do is take a nap. My brain hurts! Speakin of pain, I fuckin burned my finger today. Hurt like a bitch...doesn't too much anymore but I hafta go around with a band-aid and that gets annoyin when I hafta wash my hands or just about everythin else cuz I can't really bend my finger. AND it looks gross! Bonus! If you can't tell, I'm bein sarcastic...tho it really is a nasty lookin blister. Just thought I'd share. Oh and of course, my cell died again. Battery always runs out when I need it, piece of crap. Sorry G! You know I'll call ya back eventually! Was gonna go see Sweet Home Alabama tonight but the girls didn't realize that it wasn't playin in the theatre no more LOL Losers! While I'm waitin for other plans to materialize, I'll be downloadin Justin remixes :) Seein 8 Mile tomorrow. Yeah baby, my boy Em. I'm in a funk...need some happy pills...if not that, some damn caffeine in my blood...Pepsi here I come.


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