Monday, November 04, 2002

Sweet, now that that shit's done...I can do this, yay! Looked easy enough, some complicated crap I tell ya. Um, I believe I'll be stickin to this blue font then since I dunno if I CAN even change it...meh I'm sure I'll figure this all out as I get used to it. So much to say! So little smarts to work with! LOL I'm not bloggin for the sake of an audience necessarily so if stuff is outta context, it probably is cuz I'm not about to write up 20 pages of backstory for it to make sense. Anybody who knows me, if it's about you, you'll get it.
K well since I'm gettin a late start in this, I can sum up my past week or so with a pretty good weekend and a kickass Halloween. Thurs was some crazy good times. Maybe if I feel like it I'll blog about it next time. Went to L's cuz's pub on Sat...after hittin Krispy Kreme's LOL. Cool place, cool peeps. We brought the donuts in with us and still had some left and as we were leavin, some guy at the bar goes, hey can I have some? And we're like k go ahead, there's a bunch left. He goes, nah fuck that! Those things'll kill ya! LOL
Right now I'm scammin my way outta class and and hatchin the plan to play out my day. Argh! I never realized how much shit there really is goin on even when nuthin's goin on. Guess that'll hafta be for later on too...there's not enough friggin time in the day anymore! This is early enough as it is for me today. Dunno why I'm up or why I'm not tired since I hit the bed at 4 in the morn...I'll be crashin soon I'm sure...that's why I'm knockin back the coffee. And I just got a call from the phone company, the lame-ass on the line calls me when he's fuckin packin food away in his mouth cuz I can hear him eatin on the other end! Somethin crunchy. That's just friggin rude, not to mention gross. I know this much, if you're in customer service, ya don't call up people while you're smackin away at your lunch. Disgustin...burp in my ear while you're at it, that'll getcha a nice friendly tone from me. That was my bitch of the day and it's not even 2 yet. I'm out.


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