Thursday, November 14, 2002

Fuck, I was havin a good couple of days before and now I'm in a funky mood...or moody funk. What's with this? It's like I'm not allowed to just fly with a good thing for a bit. Screw everybody. Guess it's kinda bad when I'm thinkin about goin back on my vow not to drink ever again. Sounds really alky of me when it's said like that but I don't think I care anymore. Forget my liver, and the inevitable barfin I WILL be doin, and the month or whatever that I went without drinkin. I had one screwdriver (small, not much vodka, lotsa ice) on Halloween so technically I cheated but s'okay cuz I was alright and that's all I had. Besides, the whole point of this thing is to not overdo it and keep the booze in check and I did. Didn't get drunk or sick or threw up...well some bile biz came up the next morning but I don't think it was cuz of the drink...or not. I should just remember how completely shitty I felt after pukin that last time and that should do it. Guess my bday is the big judgement day. Will I or won't I break and get ripped that night. Cuz I'm so considerin it. I'm turnin 22, not so bad if I don't remember that yr's bday right? :P We'll see if I'm feelin stressed enough to make it an excuse.


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