Thursday, December 05, 2002

Awwww yeaaaaah!! Mama's done class, done schoolwork, and had another bday :) Yesterday was...interesting LOL Had my TV take-home exam due on Wed, I was naturally startin it and desperately tryin to finish it Tues. I went to bed at 4 am with it still not done so I got up at 8 in the frickin morning to do the rest of it. Of course, my printer is a piece of shit and refuses to work. I call Kare the night before to ask if she can print it out for me. She says she has to go to work at 9 somethin but she'll print it out and bring it over to my house before she leaves. I email my essays to her and she calls me that morning that HER printer isn't workin either. I also called G to see if she possibly had to go to school today so she could gimme a ride instead of me bussin it to and from just to drop off a paper. I call her back and tell her to get up cuz I gotta print this shit. So I drive to G's house, print it up, go back home, then take the bus to school, get my paper in before noon, and bus it back home. LOL Oh the bus...this stress on my bday of all days. The bus started to make some noises that weren't quite right and it was drivin jerky and kinda slower, like it wasn't gonna make it all the way to the subway station (oh yeah, the batteries in my Walkman crapped out so I had about 2 1/2 hrs of just sittin there without music to and from and that's just torture for me) so I heard it all goin on. The driver goes on her radio about what do with the bus prob and I'm like, if this bus breaks down I am just gonna LAUGH. I dunno why, I just thought it was a perfect topper to my weirdo day even tho I'd normally be pissed off if we had to get off the bus and into the cold and wait for another one to come. So I'm tired, goin on 4 hrs sleep, and it's not even 2 yet. I'm like, how am I gonna go out and celebrate? I wanna take a naaaaap! But anyways, me and L go to Yorkdale to shop and pick up a cake for me after. Yeah, I got my own bday cake LOL I volunteered to get it since that's the only way I'd get one I want--DQ ice cream of course :) Then we went to Mickey D's and then back to my house for dinner, then back out to STC to get L's cartilage pierced LOL And she thought we wouldn't make it...5 mins before closing...ha, who was right again? Thank you very much. Funny stuff tho, she was freakin herself out. Guess we switched places cuz she had to come watch me get my tattoo :P Except I didn't bitch and spazz like she did LOL Paranoid hypochondriac! So we called G to come out later. So difficult, damn! We were gonna go to Croc Rock for 911 Wednesdays (woo! LOL) and then we thought about Rocky Mountain but we settled on Demetre's. The things I do LOL Just playin, we're goin out Sat to do the double bday thing for me and Kare anyway. SO up at 3 pm today. But the big thing is that I don't have school til Jan :) And basically no work to do over the break...except my film thing but anyway. Aw, my film class is over tho...TV too. I'll actually miss film cuz I won't be seein everybody anymore. Tony! LOL OMG, that guy is so into me, it's funny. Long story short, we switched digits and somehow I mentioned about Sat and now he might be coming! Shit, now I'm like what am I gonna do? If he was there, it'd be weird esp since I can't dance with any guys that night LOL and I can't make an ass outta myself if I get tanked...but not like I'll be drinkin cuz I quit that shit so it doesn't matter *angel look* :D I said I'd call him when I know what we're doin and where we're goin for sure. What the hell do I do? :P Oh well, brilliant me will come up with somethin. And we still dunno what the plans are. I can't believe they took down Whiskey, I had my 20th there. And they called the new place Joe ...why the fuck would you name your club Joe?? Even if your name was Joe! Hmm maybe we should try it out tho, on Sat.
I gotta get used to sayin that I'm 22. Sounds weird. I don't really feel older, but there's that gettin older vibe goin on. I wanted to stay 21. Everybody was sayin they were feelin old when they were turnin 21 and I wasn't gettin it cuz 21 kicks ass. It's the big 2-1, now you can get into anywhere for sure. Well now I get it, with bein 22. But I'm still the second youngest outta all of us :) And it's another reason to party it up!


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