Tuesday, December 17, 2002

OK, again, this is me bitchin about shoppin and malls...saw The Hot Chick (too funny, I'm buyin it when it comes out...was gonna sneak in to see Empire too but I'm goin off on a tangent so), then we went to the mall AGAIN. Maybe cuz I hadn't eaten anythin or cuz I was tired but I so wanted outta there. I fell asleep in the middle of the Roots store! I was sittin of course, on some couch-like bench square thing where you try on shoes, with my head in my hands. I was gonna lie down on it but I was afraid some Roots person would come up to me and say somethin and scare me awake :P Or that somebody would need to sit down cuz they wanted to try on some shoes. I'd probably look like I passed out.


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