Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Why do ppl gotta call me before 1 in the afternoon? WHY? I keep tellin everybody not to even THINK about callin me up before noon but no. Dunno why y'all bother cuz I won't even remember the fuckin conversation a few hrs later since I wouldn't even be payin attention to whatcha sayin...derrrr. Damn, I don't even remember what I was gonna say right now. It was somethin funny I bet. Oh wells! On a more random tip, I bruised my hand :( I'm so graceful. I think I have a prob with estimatin where things are, like how far I am from a car or the sidewalk when I'm parkin or in this case, how close I am to the doorway. I'm guessin it was from walkin into a room and I smacked my hand on the doorway swingin my arms? :P I tend to do that...you'd think I'd learn!


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