Friday, December 13, 2002

Went downtown today. I was walkin for like more than 4 hrs in Eaton Centre and up and down Queen. Got approached by a freaky street guy askin for change in BK. I really didn't, I needed it for the subway! I feel bad everytime I gotta do that but hey, if I had money for ya, I'd give it, for real. Lotsa cutie skater boys in the mall...plenty of cop cars and firetruck action today too...downtown rocks! LOL Saw Alanis Morrisette thru the window at Much for MOD. We spotted some weird lookin person in the mall who we couldn't tell was a man or woman. They were wearin some kinda coat that looked like a bathrobe and had funky longish hair and glasses. Thing was, they were carryin a woman's purse and stockings (I dunno, man) but they had the stockiest build, like the most mannish shoulders LOL and was walkin like a guy. Serious, had no idea if it was a man or a woman and we were so set on findin out but we were walkin behind so we couldn't see like, boobs or adam's apple or whatever. So we went RUNNIN after this person LOL They were FAST dammit. They turned and was goin to the bathrooms and we're like score! Let's just see which one they go into! So we're basically followin this person in and they go in the guy's bathroom. "It's a man!" LOL Once he pushed thru the bathroom door, we turned right back around and walked away with our golden answer LOL We musta looked retarded to everyone in the food court but hey, inquirin minds need to know!


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