Saturday, January 18, 2003

Ugh, I was feelin so meh yesterday...maybe cuz I hadn't gotten a lotta sleep that day or maybe I just needed calories :P Stupid headaches always get me on Fridays. Didn't even go out, but that's OK cuz I didn't feel like it. Ppl should stay home once in a while LOL I'm fulla BS.
Ran into D at school yesterday, weird cuz I hardly see anybody. Damn, she looks better each time I see her! Lost a lotta weight, she's like the 'after' model in a fitness ad. Aw, but it was so good to see her cuz we go way back and I see her a couple times but not too often. She lives right off campus now...even tho home's 2 houses behind me :P...I'm so jealous. But now I have another person who I can crash with should the need arise :)
Me and L took out her new ride, well her bro's new ride, well not even his LOL Anyway...I used to despise those damn monster SUVs, so bigass but now I like! :P Some tricked out shit, yo. It's bad but I'm totally feelin bein able to drive over other cars LOL "Move bitch, get out the way, get out the way!" Or get ran the fuck over! :D Aw man the power and height you get...plow into this, punk LOL We stopped at a Shopper's for a bit then we headed off again so we were rollin along and L goes, "There's a breeze in here" and she's feelin the vents, "Do you feel it?" but we don't get it cuz the heat's on and the windows are up. I'm makin sure my door's closed and my window's closed all the way, we're both lookin around to see where it's comin from. The car is friggin huge (seats like 8) and it's way longer than we're used to, ya gotta turn like 180 to check for cars when changin lanes :P So I look back to see the other windows and I'm like, is the back window open? The hatchback part with the rear windshield looked like there wasn't no window there. It was dark and I couldn't really tell but there was like no reflection from the glass so it must be open. "Dude, there's no frickin window, it's not there!" LOL She turns into a small street and stops and gets out to check. The fuckin entire hatchback door was open the whole time we left the parkin lot!! LOL It wasn't just a window (I don't think it even rolls down, so it doesn't open) the door was up! Apparently she pressed the wrong button on the car alarm thingy thinkin she was unlockin the door for me when we were gettin in LOL L's like, "I KNEW it felt cold for some reason! But the heat's on, I don't understand!" LOL We couldn't figure it out...good thing ppl weren't lookin at us funny and we'd be like what? We know we're hot shit and the ride's sweet LOL


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