Thursday, January 23, 2003

Why is it so freakin cold lately? I know it's winter and it's Canada but come on now, if I'M sayin it's bitchass freezing, that's sayin somethin. I have some weirdo body temp that's higher than most ppl so I can take cold better than most, so trust when I say it's COLD. My astounding ability to adapt to chilliness also means that I don't wear much out, no not in THAT way. I usually just wear an OK coat, not like the thickest puffiest winter parka, and that's it. Sometimes I don't even zip it up :P And if it's just a bit colder, those dinky 99 cent stretchy gloves LOL I know better from today that I should at least take a scarf! Art class was at the art gallery downtown today so I had to walk from the subway there and my face felt like it was frozen and then was gonna fall off. Windchill was a biatch, my eyes were tearing it was so bad. Then after the art gallery, I had to walk back the same way :( Then off to school for night class. Ugh, LOVE these long days. Thank goodness I got a ride home tonight, I don't think I could stand more bus time esp after 10 pm, I'm outty after that.
I bit the inside of my mouth this week so now there's a cut and it hurts like hell. Dammit.


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