Thursday, January 30, 2003

Oh yeah, so onto today...Fish calls me and friggin wakes me up, she's callin on her cell so I thought she was back home but she was still in K-town. Called me to ask if her sis could borrow my licence cuz she's goin up to visit her and she's gonna take her out drinkin (at 17 tsk tsk, tho she was takin her out since she was 14! LOL thanks to my ID) but at least I got to talk to her for a bit. I'm like, yeah OK she can take it...didn't I give you my G2 one already?? She's like yeah but that was like yrs ago and this one's your old G card :P Even tho my G card's technically expired too. I say K fine, but if I somehow get in shit, I'll kill you, you know the drill. She says her sis has been usin my old one downtown and K-town don't give a crap so it'll be no prob. I'm like, what? She's still usin it? She's been walkin around in bars and shit illegally underage all this time? She should be grateful like whoa! LOL
We don't really look alike tho...but Fish and her sis look like twins sometimes and I guess if we were wearin the same clothes and you'd do a quick glance, me and Fish would like kinda the same. Whatever works, seems to have done the job so far. Oh well, she knows the risks :P Ugh, it's my ghetto pic too, I hate havin anyone look at it so even tho I got my better new one, it's still makin the rounds LOL
So Fish says her sis isn't home yet so she can't tell her about pickin up my licence but she'll roll by my house before her bus at 2. I'm like fiiiine, get me up and now I hafta make myself presentable, ugh. It wasn't even her sis who came by but her sis' friend and I so wasn't ready LOL Yeah I look no better than in my ID pic, thanks, bye! LOL So I'm all outta ID's now, the lil user :P I feel so good helpin kids get their drink on and breakin the law ;) LOL
And today will be spent workin on my NEXT essay paper due tomorrow...we'll see how that turns out!


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