Saturday, February 01, 2003

Whaddya know, more essay drama on Fri. Basically a replay of Wed's eppy with me tryin to do my paper the night before, failing, tryin to finish it the morning of and again failing, but eventually gettin the thing done. Not without much stress tho. I decided to skip class so I could do it and bein optimistic that I could at least catch the last hr of lecture so I could hand it in. Of course it took longer than I thought, had to go to G's house to print it up (after gettin her to come home from bein out to lemme do it LOL) and by that time it was 3 somethin, not enough time to get to school by bus cuz they most likely would let class out earlier than 4:30. So I got a ride and what happens? About 10 mins away from school, the car breaks down!! I'm just all, ohhhh nooo you are not doin this to me! But 2 really nice guys stopped and helped boost the car. It was like 4:25 by then and I thought maybe the prof or TA would still be there and I'm freakin out that class woulda been done early. I get to the room and no one there, fuck! Yup, they were done early. I'm like, screw what am I gonna do now? I even walked all the way across campus to the college building where their offices were even tho I knew they probably wouldn't be there since it wasn't office hrs and it was Fri, there'd be no reason for them to be stickin around. They weren't there and I was stuck with my finished essay and no way to hand it in since they weren't takin papers emailed this time around. But I had it done! And I was there! Dammit. So after all that trouble, I'm like no way I went thru all that and just hop on a bus home for another hr and a half after bein at school for all of 15 mins. So I'm like, I don't care, I'm gonna go fuck around for a bit and make somethin of this! LOL So I chilled in the library messin around the lovely comp that can do email and Messenger and doesn't restrict any websites :) THAT lil thing was the only good that came outta that. So I figured I'd email my essay to the TA so that would at least show I had it done that day for real and I just missed them so I wasn't able to give it in. And if they wouldn't take it like that, I'd just hand in it late for next week. Maybe I can make it longer and better for then. I finally found out how ppl were doin Hotmail! I've got the friggin secret! LOL All this time I'm all, wtf why's it not lettin me in? So I asked the person in front of me (I know I made it sound the dumbest question a person could ask but anyway: "Do you know how to get into Hotmail?") and she's like, "" LOL I'm like, yeah I know, I mean like it doesn't let me in cuz it's restricted for some reason. The thing is to use Netscape instead of Internet Explorer, sooo stupid! I'm like oh thanks! OMG that was all? Goddamn! But wooooo! I got it now! So yes, I was there at school on a Fri evening, sittin at the comp in the library fuckin around LOL I was so in the mood for a spliff or somethin cuz my smokes just weren't gonna do it and I don't drink no more :P Thank god L called me and wanted to do somethin so we could out and I could be set free of this madness. *siiiiigh* But that WAS a rare Fri that I didn't get a headache...probably cuz I never actually went to class and I didn't take the bus there :P
At least I got to go out...hadn't seen L or G in weeks, geez. Good times. I think they were smokin up somethin before they came to pick me up cuz they were actin fucked up that night LOL At Timmy's, we were laughin at somethin and L just couldn't stop and was makin this messed up horn/barkin sound, and the more she laughed, the funnier the noise she was makin was and that just made her laugh even more LOL Me and G were just goin, shhhh relax! You're bein so fuckin loud! It's OK, breathe, breathe! And G's like, shut up! You sound like a fuckin horn! LOL So we made even more of a ruckus. Loud crowd that night. And the ppl workin there kept droppin things in the back cuz there was a lot of crashes and stuff breakin LOL The girl dropped a couple coffee pots or somethin right beside me cuz we were sittin near the part to go to the back (and scared L good LOL) and we both gave eachother that face that looks like 'eeeee'...ya know, the face you make when someone gets hurt or somethin and it's like ouch! Kinda like a grimace, yeah that's the word LOL
Anyhoo, today went to the AGO again for art class. My prof REQUIRES us to see this exhibit but the syllabus didn't say nuthin about why. Cuz she just really wants us to see it or there's gonna be an assignment that goes with it? Dunno. Better not be some quiz or somethin on it later. L made me wait in the subway station while she went to Robards to get a book so she could go with me to the gallery :P G called us while were still out and told us that Steve DID call back, she just didn't check her vmail. What a fuckin dumbass!!! This girl causes me so much stress LOL It tires me. She was about to give up on the Steve thing and I was about to give up on her dramas cuz seriously, I just didn't wanna deal as much as I wanted to bitch and nag at her about it LOL I was right again, thank you thank you. So we're all goin clubbin tonight LOL Steve should be bringin some friends ;)


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