Thursday, February 06, 2003

I'm gettin tired about writin these essay dramas LOL Well let's just say it was the same ol same ol with this one today. But I got a bit smarter this time, got to school on time first (then figured it'd be better to skip the class and do the paper then give it in rather than go to class not havin done the readings and do the paper on my break and hand it in when I don't even know if the prof'll be around) and I got me a photocopy card :) $2 on a stinkin card so I could print my shit out. I'm so 'inexperienced' LOL I had to ask someone to help me how to work the card machine :P I haven't even made my sessional card into a library card yet LOL cuz I never needed to take a book out this yr! Well the main thing is I got the thing done and on time :) I can't believe I took like 2 hrs extra to finish it today. I should try doin papers at school more, I have less distraction and more motivation :P How sad. Then again, there's the cost of printouts LOL Then again, my printer's fucked so what's a girl gonna do?
My books really smell LOL Like, they reek of smoke but I haven't smoked anywhere near my books derrrr...can you say flammable $70 material? I don't get it, and they've been like that for weeks. Guess I should air them out or somethin? It's just that whenever I open my notes, I can smell it LOL Anywaaaays...
Found Tony in class, sat next to him, got to talkin. He's such a goof. Might do somethin with him on Reading Week :P
I got mail from school today. I just saw the envelope and I knew what was inside...marks. Grades for last semester but I haven't opened it yet cuz I don't wanna be in a mood if I got the grades I wanted LOL I'd be bummed if I didn't get B's cuz if I didn't for these classes, that's bad.


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