Thursday, February 06, 2003

I have half an hr left to do that art history assignment due...4 days ago LOL Me and G are supposed to be goin to L's to watch Sweet Home Alabama. Me and L were out doin errands and buyin CDs and shit (I had 30 bucks in my bank account, who knew?? LOL) and for some weird reason, L wanted to stop by McD's for cones. Ice cream in the middle of a winter night! OK I can't even call it ice cream cuz it's not :P Soft-serve-whatever-it-really-is-mix. Can I just mention drive-thru is hilarious? Can't go 1 time without somethin happenin. So we're in the car eatin our milk by-product treats (freaky, me and L both choked at the same time on our freakin cones, I almost died coughin for a good min) and G calls L's new loaner phone cuz her shitty-but-pretty cell crapped out again and took it in to get fixed AGAIN and G's like, ya wanna do somethin? Every single Thurs I tell ya, I say I'm gonna stay home and bum out and do my hw and whatever but no, they wanna go out. When I do wanna do somethin, I get nuthin :P I'm like, can't, gotta do hw. And now look what I'm doin...goin out after I do this hw! Well that's the plan, we went to Blockbuster and picked up the DVD anyway :P So now I have like a deadline to get my stuff done before 10 so we can watch the movie. I'm supposed to type it up, CALL G to get on Messenger (retarded!), send my work file on there so she can print it at her house, then have her pick me up and THEN call L that we're comin, sheesh. She better have not harmed my CDs, she always brings them back with mad scratches on them and tells me it wasn't her, what a fucker. I checked this time! And these are my babies too...can't believe I let her take my signed Avril and my Justin. I vowed never to let the Avril leave my house EVER LOL Hmm...I don't think I'll be done by 10 LOL And it's a school night *gasp* Bad influences man LOL Oh well, last min hw is my specialty.


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