Tuesday, February 11, 2003

School is really gettin in the way of things dammit, I don't like this :P I just need to get thru the resta the week and then I'm freeeeee....for a week. No biggie, I'll take what I can get. I finally opened up my grades...I was rethinkin it and I was holdin the envelope and I'm like, maybe I'll just open it but I won't look at it til the next day. Then I was like oooh I dunno, maybe I'll just look at the damn thing to make sure it's my grades in the first place but I won't look at the marks. I was scanning, skimming, I actually covered up half of the paper with my hand, I'm such a dork, but I said aw screw it and peeped at the whole thing. B's, baby! I was gonna flip if I got a C in my film classes, that'd just be shame. B and a B+, I'm cool with that :) And I totally half-assed thru those classes too LOL Just makes me smile! Speakin of marks, got my realism assignment back the other day (the one that I finished up at school the day of and shoved under the office door) and mama got an A!! THAT I had to almost laugh at! I'm just lookin at it like, yeah fuckin right...damn I'm good! LOL Apparently, my shit was "thoughtful" and "interesting" :)
I gotta watch my cell mins this month. I went SO over my limit last time cuz I saw the bill LOL Yikes. Lucky for me this month included the free 10 mins and that promotional plan thing for another 25, those precious added mins saved my ass from more money.
ALL your fault Em, allllll yours LOL


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