Saturday, February 15, 2003

OMG!! I've been up since 8 this morning and I dunno what to do with the resta my day cuz I don't remember the last time I've been up this early on a Sat. Soooo tired! Not sure wtf I'm still doin up and not takin a nap but hey. So fuckin hell, we didn't get the Coldplay tix. Woke up early so we could get to Sunrise by 9 and do the random same-day wristband thing. So we get our line-up tix and we have like half an hr before they call out the numbers so we walked around the mall. We get back at 10 and apparently there's already a line at the Ticketmaster...we friggin missed them drawin the number. So there's a buncha ppl ahead of us and we wait anyway to see what we can get and the guy calls out that there's only lawns left. We're like what? No fuckin way. It hadn't even been 10 mins, that's crazy. So we're like awww!! Screw it then! Cuz we weren't gonna go for the most expensive seats, esp since they'd be gone already anyway, but lawns are shit and it ain't worth it. We leave a msg for L at work that we didn't get any, but leave out the part about us leavin and gettin back kinda late then missin the call-out LOL But that's OK cuz she don't need to know. We rationalized that it wouldn't have made a diff anyway cuz the first guy in line when we were linin up for the numbers was about the first person at the counter and we were a buncha ppl behind him. So by the line, we wouldn't have gotten good seats anyway and by the time it'd be our turn, it'd still be lawns left. Man, the other places musta been packed too...or most ppl did it online like we shoulda (except none of us had a not maxed-out credit card! :P) Everybody seems to be hittin the T.O. show if I couldn't score nuthin. Agh, G and Heather those punks! All their fault! And get me up so damn early for nuthin too. Well I've never done same-day ticket draws before least I know now. We'll see if we can hook up somethin when June comes around. Oh well, at least we can go snowboardin this week at Blue Mountain now :) They're such dorks, L and G were sayin that if we were gettin tix, they couldn't go skiin cuz they'd have no money LOL Bullshit. But we've all got the money now since we took out cash that we didn't even end up usin. So that'll be my consolation, I'm hyped now. I GOTTA watch G try to snowboard! LOL That alone is worth the money.


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