Friday, February 14, 2003

OK now I've found some time to chill from today. Went to bed at 4:30, got up at 9 somethin and did some of my realism midterm take-home exam in the morning, got a ride to school from G, had a couple hrs to finish it before 2 when we're supposed to hand it in, typed like a maniac til 2:30 LOL Was supposed to go with G for lunch before she had her test and she was comin to meet me at the library and I was just finishin up and I was gonna call her back and say, turn back the hell around cuz I gotta hand this bitch in at the fine arts office NOW! But she caught up with me and we were practically runnin across campus, hopefully it wasn't too late. For such a skinny ass girl, G is so outta shape, laggin behind me and dyin for breath LOL I gave my paper in (ended up 10+ pgs, so much $$ for stinkin printouts lately, had to refill my card geez) to the old lady in the office and she took it and looked at some checklist or somethin so I think it's all good. Whatever, she took it, I don't have it now, it's done! I was lookin so forward to when this day is over cuz I have just tomorrow to get thru before the break, but it's not as sweet as I thought LOL I had to wait HOURS for G and Kare to get outta class so I could get a ride home with them too. I had nuthin to do, not even hw :P Wanted to take a nap cuz I knew I'd crash sometime but I was weirdly not tired and I can't force myself to sleep. I have no idea what I did LOL Fucked around on the comp I guess.
Got my art paper back, a B not bad. Got my Women and Film paper back too, not so good LOL Oh well, it's decent. Tony got his back and got a C too and he bugged, sayin he was gonna drop the course. I'm like tellin him that it's just one paper and the 25% isn't too bad, just do OK on the other stuff. He's all it's gonna mess up my grade in this course, I dunno what the prof talks about (she really isn't that great...nice person but no one really knows wtf's up with the material), and then it's gonna screw my gpa. And he was askin ppl about the drop dates and refunds and stuff. I'm like, are you serious? You're gonna drop the class cuz of this one paper? Apparently. So I say, you're gonna leave me by myself you bastard? LOL He's like, I know, I feel your pain but...:P I'm like, whatever, you'll be back LOL So he went at the break to go sort out that shit...but it's too late to get any money back and the last drop date's in March so might as well keep it til then at least. That ass better stay in that class!
G almost ran over another person today at the gas station LOL That girl just does not look. Thought she saw him as she came out but guess not! Gina! Watch the guy!! :P He totally looked at us too, rightfully, and I was gonna put my hands up and say sorry, G styles LOL It was fucked up, a couple ppl were goin into where you pay for your gas and sayin somethin to the guys in there and we figured out they were complainin that the pumps weren't workin and it ended up that ALL the pumps were messed and everybody was bitchin and goin what the hell, what the hell, while the guy had to come out and shout at everybody that somethin was wrong with all of them. So that was funny.
I decided I could swing the Coldplay tix, so me and G gotta do the dirty work of gettin wristbands (screw!) and linin up on Sat for everybody. We better get good seats, I swear. But I'm not doin the priciest ones, I've done this shit nuff times to know how to pull this the smart way AND where the better seats are :) Ain't nobody gonna beat me to gettin my tix!


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