Thursday, February 20, 2003

As proof as to the dumb things I can do sometimes, here's another one...I just came back from toboganning in the middle of the a closed-off the dark LOL Good times! I almost killed myself. The point was to take G sleddin the first time in her life (she's NEVER been, can you friggin believe that??) and to prepare for the wipeouts and the cold for when we go boardin tomorrow. But apparently they made the hill off-limits for sleddin for some dumb reason and put up a fence! Like what the hell is this? Guess we hadn't been there in a while to know about these retarded changes. There was even town security ppl in their scary lil vehicle in the parkin lot...on the lookout for rebel sledders no doubt. WELL, we didn't go there just to go home. Derrrr, we'll just park in the other parkin lot and walk around to the other side of the hill! :P (It's basically a 4 sided hill with a soccer field on the top) So we shafted the 'authorities', ran across the field and just went up. Oh yeaaah, bad girls hardcore! LOL
Well, me tryin to get a feel for ridin, took my bro's dinky board with no bindings and figured I'd start out by goin half the hill. I was doin pretty good too til I half hopped off/half toppled and bounced my head on the snow and rolled LOL I may or may not have a concussion...and we haven't even gone thru tomorrow yet. At least I don't have a frozen toes like L or a wet ass like G LOL Dumbasses! Yeah, cords and sneakers sound like a good idea!
Finally saw Daredevil. I liked it :) Well I'm out, gotta wash the frozen chunk of ice that is my hair. If I don't come back and post about my glorious injuries, I was most likely taken out by my own fault and sidelined for a while.


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