Friday, February 28, 2003

2 observations: Starbucks Toffee Creme whatever whatever is good :) I had coffee at night, I know....ahhhh! LOL But apparently there's no actual coffee in it so...*shrug* 2nd thing is, my school is a bitchwhore. Since I already knew that, that's a lil somethin I thought I'd share with those who didn't. I get some letter talkin about how they're phasin out the fine arts program that I'm in so it'll affect me and how all my credits work towards graduatin. So basically now I gotta decide if I wanna stay in the program I'm in or switch over to some new retardedness they invented and so I need to sort all out all this complicated course requirement BS. GRRRRR!!!! I get to make an appointment with the student office, yay! I love bureaucratic run-around crap!
*sigh* Onto cheerier things, I got to chill out a bit tonight with some good ol karaoke :P Not my idea but it's always a good time hearin my friends try to sound nuthin like the real singers and mangle my fav songs LOL But we always seem to go when my throat's feelin sketchy, damn them. So I didn't sing much, cuz I was probably gonna lose my voice. Oh, 1 more it me or does every karaoke place look like a brothel or somethin?? :P Not that I'd know what the inside of the brothel looks like. Well if that's what they look like, they're pretty nice! Maybe it's just the places I go to...all legal of course! And there is no such thing as the bubble tea 'experience' ;) Esp if you don't even get the bubbles! Then it's just tea dammit G!


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