Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Well today's midterm was slightly less than crap. I somehow ended up about 20 mins late. 1/3 of the test was quotes from movies we watched in class!! What is that?? Like I'm gonna remember every line from all them! I guess we were supposed to study for this by re-watchin all them in their entirety and memorize these quotes like obssessed freaks?? Needless to say, after he went over the answers, I got a grand total of about 10 outta 35 marks on that part.
Tony's supposed to call me while I'm at school tomorrow. We'll see if he stays in class. He called me on Sat, which was weird cuz I had my cell off cuz I was at home and I'm like, hmm what if Tony or somebody calls (cuz he only has my cell # and I don't have vmail and I've called him but he hadn't called me before) and I turned it on that day and sure nuff, he calls. He asks me, get this, "Does the idea of makin out with me appeal to you?" WHO SAYS THAT!! And what does a person say to that?? I'm like, are you for real? Do you really ask ppl these kinda questions like that? He's all, just gimme a yes or no answer (even tho I said, we're just doin the friends thing right?...guess he didn't hear me) Honestly. So I'm like, um yeah OK, if I say NO I think makin out with you is not an appealin idea, you'll be all K! Let's move on, it's cool? :P What a weirdo. So apparently, I'm supposed to give him my answer tomorrow LOL Geeeez.
And now I'm off to study for another midterm tomorrow, agh.


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